Allowing querying by contact activity
The social CRM winner will be the one who handles "social plate spinning" the best.
It would be great to see a pre-made graph of all my cold "customers," "leads," prospects, "deals" etc. that I haven't communicated with for a certain period of time; being able to drill-down into this list would be even more magical.
For now, it would be nice to just query a report of whatever segment/field I specify, that hasn't had any activity for whatever time period I specify, drill into these contacts, check out their Twitter, see what they're up to, and maybe send them a tweet to begin warming them back up and propose another deal.
You may now run queries in Nimble based on the “last contacted” date by team and we display contacts in sortable order for “Recently Contacted” by the individual on the Contacts tab.
We are going to add more functions to Nimble to help our users stay top of mind with their contacts, and these current features should help a lot for the near future.
Marshall commented
Please vote for Open and Click tracking so you can track who are your hottest, most engaged leads:
Nicholas Garrison commented
I would like to be able to run reports on call activity.
Anne commented
I would also like to see the ability to pull up a list of all contacts who have an ongoing deal - seems like this could be added to a reporting function or even to the advanced search within contacts.
Chad Weinman commented
I agree with this concept completely and its truly what I need most out of a CRM.
That said... it can usually be achieved along with a bunch of other features if you build in list/reporting functionality based on the data:
I could pull a list of contacts whom I haven't connected with in the last 90 days.
But also get reporting like: All contacts with tagged with client10 to see my clients from 2010.
Gal Rozov commented
It is also mportant to be able to import external activity with the contact from other systems (until built in integration will be provided).
I.E.: SlideRocket, Google Analytics / HubSpot, SMS/WhatsUp, Chat Clients, etc. -
Anonymous commented
This would be a great screen to have.
Jason commented
I think this is really a combination of reporting functionality and a more interactive, actionable functionality that allows you to quickly identify the contacts that need attention and then take action.
Chris Riley commented
Sorry might wanna merge this with "Reminder for 'relationship maintenance'"