Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
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413 results found
enable editing of a custom field for multiple contacts at the same time
I want to be able to select a sublist of my contacts and mark them all at the same time with a custom field
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Quiero importar mis contacto de Airbnb
Quiero importar mis contacto de Airbnb
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Allow us to set a default view setup
If I go and do something else, then come back to the Contacts tab, it frequently resets to "Recently Viewed", sorted by "Last Time Contacted by Team" sorted in Descending order, and I have to waste time setting it to what I was on (Usually Companies/People, Name, Ascending).
Please either leave it how it was, or let me set what it resets to.1 vote -
Company pending & history should show all employee history
Company pending & history tab should show all employee history. Now I register calls with contact A en B at Company XYZ. But these call logs only show at employee where other CRM systems als show all logs with all employees at company tab
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Fix Buggy User Experience (this is not an idea, I am sharing feedback but the app is filled with little frustrations like this.)
So, I, by accident, confirm a social media account as a contact's which would say about the contrast of those buttons and false click ratio (which I am sure is not the most important KPI).
Their picture gets collected and there is no way of taking that picture down or changing it. Yeah, yeah, the system will process it I am sure but it's not good enough.
I change to a custom layout in my contacts, click update I think three times and still come back to see the old layout.
I click on share feedback, only to end up…
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Smart Contacts App Doesn't Work
The smart contacts app doesn't work anything like what Nimble says it does. There doesn't seem to be any way to add contacts from your social pages. Very dissappointing.
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Add company contacts from new company page - have info pre-filled
I have two things I do day in and day out. And I'm finding that Nimble doesn't do them particularly well.
- Show me a list of my companies AND all the contacts in a concise summary
- Allow me to EASILY add new contacts to the company I'm viewing with minimal clicks and data entry.
The newish UI has an "add contacts" displayed when I'm looking at the company screen but when I click to add I have to fill everything in - it won't pre-fill that the contact works at the company that I am on.
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1 vote
Show social media feed (i.e., Twitter and Linkedin Posts) of contacts in the Contact page
It would be helpful to add contact's social media feeds under the Contact's page, so I could visualize that what they have been focusing on and topics into. This will help sales to engage. The current way of including only in the Signal page is not helpful as one need to draw correlation annually or add notes.
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Prioritize the main number to show in the contact's phone number rather than the fax number
This is a design issue - you show the main phone number in the contact list or the company profile view; currently if there is a fax number it is shown in the place of the Main number, regardless of the tag. It appears the fax number always take precedent. Its a simple thing but such a time waster scrolling through the contact info to find the main number.
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Copy Company record address and other data
Could you come up with a way to easily duplicate or inherit the Company address and phone number, possibly tags into a new Person record who works for that particular Company. It would save so much time and frustration.
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Contact list sorting
It would be great if you could sort the data by simply clicking on any of the columns. You have catered for some data sets, but I am more interested in sorting by: Organization, title, Lead Type, or Lead Status.
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Page selection
When I select the number of contacts per page I want to have 100 contacts per page and I want it to stay at 100. When I go to a new page it defaults to 30. That's frustrating as hell. Can you fix this.
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Allow Contacts screen to be customized or change the way it appears on a global level
Would be EXTREMELY helpful to have the Company name, address, and phone number encapsulated in one display box so those details can be easily copied/pasted for use in other tasks. We deal with MANY companies where the name is the same and only the location is different, so the location is what differentiates it. We've added the city/state to the org name for searches, but the functionality of seeing it all in one snapshot on the screen is critical for daily activities.
The same with the Person Contacts.
The "shared with everyone", "stay in touch", and "record owner" details are…1 vote -
Indication on contact record of if the contact has been exported to Mailchimp
Some automatic indication on the contact record to show if the contact has been exported to Mailchimp or not. Would be helpful if Nimble were also able to check against Mailchimp contacts for an address so as to know if it was already in there or not.
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Description options for Website and Instagram
Option to either customise descriptions, or for Nimble to add the options of Website and Instagram to Description source.
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Allow reordering list of Descriptions in Contacts
In the Contacts > Data Fields > Description area of a Contact I'd like to be able to change the order (Drag & Drop?). It I find a Description that I want to add & it is more important or relevant than those already there, I'd like top make it more prominent by moving it to the "top" of the list of Descriptions. Thanks!.
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Email tracking notifications
It says desktop notifications are available for email tracking but we set it and do not get any. We have allowed access so they dont get blocked through chrome. This is frustrating.
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on the org. url - have it automatically populate a field near the url on the Data Field to eliminate redundant data entry on the Org.
on the org. url - have it automatically populate a field near the url on the Data Field to eliminate redundant data entry on the Company. Also be consistent in the format of this field .... either www.url or http://www.url so the formatting is consistent throughout the contact record
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Modify layout of contact screen
It would be really helpful if you were able to modify the layout of the screen when you open up a contact. I'd like to be able to move the contact fields and tags closer to the top where the name is
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?