Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
If you have an urgent question about your account or implementing a feature, please write us directly at or tweet us at We are available M-F from 9-5 Pacific.
413 results found
Limit Company Contacts
Nimble should only create a company contact if there are two or more contacts working under it, otherwise it gets to cluttered with one-off companies.
9 votes -
Filter Contacts' TAGS like a multiple choice for instantaneous results
I know that a specific search can be done in Advanced but it's more cumbersome and I'm always looking for different combinations of tags so to do an advanced search and save the specific tag combinations isn't feasible nor is it "nimble". Whereas give us the ability to just click on the tags like a multiple choice a la carte list would be outstanding and a great time saver. All of the tags are already listed on the right hand side of the screen. Just give us the ability to click on multiple ones to create our "AND" search. Please?…
9 votesHi,
Thank you for your feedback regarding tag selection in Nimble. We are placing this feature under review for now.
For the time being, you can run an advanced search on multiple tagged groups to bring them into view.
We will update this thread as soon as we have an update on what our Product team decides to do with tag selection in Nimble.
Best regards,
Allow users to default to "Custom" table settings view instead of Sales
I'd love to be able to setup the "Custom" view under Table Settings and default it. My CEO has some pretty specific things he wants shown, and it's a pain for him to have to click Table Settings > Custom > Update every time he loads the list of contacts.
9 votes -
Make adding info to data fields easier
I have discovered how useful Data fields are in terms of working process, have I sent info to this person or not.
We use them to easily create a workflow.We would be able to add the same value to multiple selected people, just as it works with tags, to the data fields. And that without importing via CSV-file.
As for now we have to open every single contact, to add the same value.
To do this with tags we would end up with way too many tags to provide the workflow we want.9 votes -
Better and preferably Superior search Functionality
Search functionality stinks. The search in the top right window would be better as a catch all. If I type in a name that has a middle initial it will not show up: IE type in John Smith and if the individual has a middle initial IE John K. Smith, he will not propagate; this is a must fix/must get it right in my opinion. Not locating contacts is a non-starter. You should also not have to go to an advanced search function in this situation. This seems to be market standard on every other contact list I have ever…
9 votes -
Add the ability to display custom fields in the Contact List
Custom fields are only displayed on info tabs so if you e.g. want to add a field for e.g. availability or just some notes to contacts you have to click each individual contact in the contact list to get to this information.
You should be able to display selected fields or even just a simple multi line text field in the Contact list directly to improve searching for info or view e.g. availability of contacts at a quick glance.8 votes -
Create blacklist function for contact import
When I imported contacts from Google Contacts, a bunch came in that I didn't want. I've deleted them, but when I went to re-import because of an earlier error, they all came back. There needs to be the ability to delete/blacklist certain contacts in order to keep them from re-importing into the system.
8 votes -
When I initiate a phone call or text message from the Nimble iOS application, the call or text should be automatically logged in the Pending & History tab for the contact.
Also, the contact's "Contacted # days ago" should be automatically updated to reflect the true value. At the moment, I have people I contacted by phone today and Nimble still thinks I contacted them weeks ago.
8 votes -
Drag and drop a contact's photo
If I see a contact's photo on his/her ABOUT web page or at an event web page with a speaker photo and bio, allow me to drag and drop the contact's photo to Nimble contact photo
8 votes -
Create Email Label for "No Longer Current" Contact Email Addresses
We currently can label an email address as "Work," "Personal," or "Other."
I suggest a fourth label to indicate an expired, no longer current or invalid email address that we could use when a Contact changes employers.
For example, when Suzie Q leaves Acme Widget Company, suzieq@acmewidget is no longer an email to reach this person, nor is it a valid email to reach anyone at Acme Widget Company.
However, I do not want to delete this email address because I want to keep all of the correspondence associated with it.
I'd like to keep those messages associated with the…
7 votes -
Team up with evercontact, its a great way to harvest contact details
Harvest contact details from the signatures of incoming emails
7 votes -
Show more tags (and/or custom fields) for the Company part of the Person contact view.
That one to the right. Just leave them uncollapsed by default.
7 votesHi,
Thank you for submitting this feature request regarding our display of tags in Nimble. At the current moment, we feel satisfied with our tag display and we do not plan on changing to a collapsable list.
We appreciate your feedback and support for Nimble and we definitely encourage you to vote for other features on our forum, we love feedback!
Best regards,
Add quick add contact link in search result view
Add quick link to add a contact in the search result view to add contact when no contacts match.
Right now, you can only refine your search or delete it. Nine out of ten times, when I get a "No Contacts Matching" message, I will want to ADD the contact (person or company)
7 votes -
Provide map of Contacts
being able to visit a page that shows a maps of your contacts by the address details would be great when working on campaigns or issues in specific areas, i.e. could contact them to make them aware and also ask for ideas perhaps relating to the location?
7 votes -
Provide backup functionality
It's very important, particularly when you have a large number of users, that you are able to roll back your database to a previous version. All it takes is one user to accidentally delete an important tag, or delete some contacts and you have a serious business problem on your hands.
Yes, I know that you can export a CSV version of the database but that is not really adequate for me; if there was a problem similar to the one above, you would essentially have to reimport all your data and set up Nimble all over again - a…
7 votes -
Browser plugin which detect and interact with names
Create a browser plugin / extension (chrome, firefox, etc) that detects person / social names. Put some design (dotted underline?) around every detected name on a page, when clicking, give a menu with some actions as : Add as contact, or if an existing contact, things that are in the current 'take action' menu.
7 votes -
Disable link when editing tags
Numerous times, I have missed the "x" when deleting a tag from a contact, and instead performed a search for that tag. I suggest that you either make the delete button larger or disable the link when editing tags. I prefer the latter option, since I am actively editing and there's a "done" button visible
7 votes -
Twitter contact import as company or person option
Currently contact import only imports as person. As a temporary work arround (convert person to company, etc), insert option on twitter import to import as company or person
7 votes -
Duplicate Contacts
There should be option of identifying the duplicate contacts in your address book which were not merged during import. It can be on basis of first name, email id or phone no.
7 votesHi,
Thank you for writing in and submitting this feature.
Unfortunately,we must decline this feature request. Our current merge algorithm seems to eliminate the chance of duplicate contacts appearing in Nimble since this feature was first submitted. In light of our merge improvements, we have decided that a duplicate identifier will be unnecessary for Nimble.
Thank you for your feedback and support for Nimble!
Best regards,
InsideView integration
I'd like to consider purchasing Nimble. We presently use SugarCRM and there are a few SugarCRM third-party plugins that we rely on that are not available in Nimble.
The most import is InsideView. InsideView allows us to directly import companies and contact into SugarCRM, saving a ton of time and effort.
You might want to consider having your bizdev person connect with InsideView. It might be worth it for you.
7 votes
- Don't see your idea?