Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
If you have an urgent question about your account or implementing a feature, please write us directly at or tweet us at We are available M-F from 9-5 Pacific.
258 results found
tagging of contacts
Let me tag contact and let the tag be a search criteria (like in highrise). Let me find for instance "all hobby photographers that I know in NY", by search for every contact in NY which I tagged with "photographer".
11 votesHi,
Nimble now has the ability to search by tags, just go to Advanced Search and search for “Tag is ___”.
Thank you for your feedback and support!
-The Nimble Team
ability to limit access when multi-users
I want to bring my team onto nimble to easily share my contacts/jointly manage messages, etc. Ideally, one could have an option to share a contact/message w/ the whole team and/or with individuals within the team. When "share" available: suggest including a comments box for context with regard to sharing the contact. "contaxt" This way personal contacts/DMs remain personal.
18 votes -
add feature to detect suspected duplicates automatically.
This is a must-have. Gimp has this feature. With over a thousand contacts (and broken navigation - about to file a bug over that) it is prohibitively difficult to find and merge duplicates.
32 votesHi,
Nimble now detects duplicates upon import or contact creation. Thank you for writing in about this feature!
The Nimble Team
Activities -> Done : Should then clearly indicate that the task has been completed
Activities -> Done : Should then clearly indicate that the task has been completed
At the moment this is not very clear and can be confusing
5 votes -
provide a way to rank contacts. Importance? Circles?
You guys blow Gist out of the water, but they have one feature you don't: The ability to rank contacts by "importance". (How they calculate that value is completely baffling to me, however.) You can take that idea and make it kick-ass. Consider Google+'s circles. Not all contacts are equally close/important to me. Wouldn't it be great if contacts moved into different circles based on how much conversation (email, twitter, fb) takes place between us?
34 votesHi,
We now allow you to search on the “Star Rating” of contacts in Nimble, which allows you to rank your contacts by importance and search on them in Nimble.
To search on contacts by “Star Rating”, go to the Advanced Search feature in Nimble.
If you have any questions, please email us at and we’ll be happy to help!
Best regards,
add navigation at the top of the page
add navigation at the top of the page so you can flip through contacts without scrolling to the bottom each time.
35 votes -
Date Format
Suggested by: Matthew Gibbons
Can you provide an option to change the date formats from US format to UK format (dd/mm/yyyy)
156 votesHi,
I have great news to share! You can now specify the date format in Nimble in Settings >> My Account.
We support date formats for US, UK, Canada, Australia, Dutch, German, and Spanish formats.
Here’s a screenshot of where to make the change:
If you have any questions, please reply to this email and we’ll be happy to help :)
Add more info/options to tasks
I'm in the middle of trying out a bajillion different CRMs and am narrowing it down to yours and a couple others.
I think you have the potential to do "social" better than anyone else- you're the only ones who get the value in having a contact's entire history/activity easily accessible, and you don't suck like Salesforce. Thank you for that!
I also love the idea of assigning tasks; I currently have to juggle "Waiting Fors," "actions" etc. between spreadsheets, gmail, hootsuite- it sucks!
if I had a magic wand I'd have a "stuff" bucket I could easily go through,…
3 votes -
Separate Tasks / Events lists view
In the Activities Tab have the option to view only a Tasks list or an Events list
3 votesHi,
You can now view Tasks and Events in separate lists in the Activities Tab in Nimble. Thank you for your suggestion!
support for .eml attachments and vCalendar attachments (invites)
We need to know there are attachments on an email, and have the ability to download them. Specifically, support for .eml and calendar appointment requests.
3 votesHi,
Nimble now supports all email attachments, so just download the .emi attachments from within Nimble and everything should work fine!
If you have any trouble, please write us at and we’ll be more than happy to help out!
Best regards,
When adding more Tweet Accounts...
access "Direct Mentions" and "Mentions"
1 vote -
Add Company Facebook and Fan pages
Suggested by: Darren Woodard
Can Nimble add facebook fan pages and facebook company page. Thanks.
27 votesYou can now connect Facebook pages to Nimble! Go to Settings >> Networks
Nimble E-Mail Spellcheck & WYSIWIG Editor
Suggested by Justin Lindberg,
Nimble definitely needs spellcheck and a WYSIWIG editor (for bolding, etc) when composing e-mails through the system.
13 votesHi,
Nimble now has a rich text editor for emails, thank you for writing in for this feature!
Best regards,
-The Nimble Team
Contacts importing with "Update Only" option
For importing contacts make an "Update only" option. There's a ton of friends on facebook, followers on twitter and gmail contacts that nimble users don't want clogging up their contacts.
5 votesHi,
Our import feature now updates contacts that currently exist in Nimble.
Thank you for your continued feedback and support.
The Nimble Team
Sending messages
I would like to be able to send text within Nimble. Currently, all I see is a place for the subject.
1 vote -
Starring Primary Contact at Company
Suggested by: Justin Lindberg
For when contacting companies, sometimes there is a primary contact. I have not found a feature to "Star" a contact at a company as the Primary Contact. Please make this possible as when converting clients to Nimble, this is one feature they have requested. It would be great if there was an option on the side of the company view where the different contacts are displayed, if an individual could be "Starred". Thanks.
1 vote -
Contact Listing - Filters
Suggested by: Mark Collins
If I select a particular tag in the Contacts tab, I can't use the filters in the left menu (People vs. Company) to view my contacts.
1 vote -
Suggestions for Nimble
Suggested by: Miguel Hidalgo
1) The tie into google contacts and calendar is excellent. Now, get a mobile marketplace app for Android telephones for events and tasks similar to Astrid Tasks; HOWEVER, add an option to warn about deadlines 1 month, 1 week, 1 day in advance in a different color.
2) If possible, add alibaba and b2b email imports (huge plus)
3) The sales component should have options but don't get too heavy like yet. wink
0 votes
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