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258 results found

  1. Provide a single row per contcat List View option

    It would be great to have the option to display contacts in a single row list view, resembling a spreadsheet, with fields displayed in sortable columns. Better still, very handy when creating a mailing or call list, each row could have a check box. Check the ones you don't want in the final list, then select Invert Selection and the system selects all those contacts except the ones you checked. Then select "make list current" and now those unchecked contacts have gone. Even better still if only the top half of the screen showed the rows of the list, but…

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  3. Ability to mark activities as completed at the "today' tap

    Would be great if activities on the today tab (congratulations & todo's for today) are marked as completed as soon they are completed.

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  4. allow me to mark a contact as important, and then choose how frequently i wish to be prompted to keep in touch.

    Also, if you could integrate with other CRM systems so i'm reminded more frequently that would be great.


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  5. Allow tags to be edited in list view

    Rather than having to open each contact to edit their tags, it would be so much quicker to be able to edit them in the list view.

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  6. Capture and auto populate contact info into Nimble

    I would love the ability to capture a contact's name, email, phone, address etc from the web or snap a picture of a business card and have it automatically populate into Nimble.

    This is a function of Windows Based Contact Capture or Chrome Contact Clipper for Evernote.

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  7. Fix the fault that automatically assigns incorrect social profiles to contacts

    There is a known bug where Nimble automatically and randomly assigns incorrect social profiles (linkedin and facebook) to contacts, usually assigning the profile of the Nimble user overwriting any correct profile information that already exists. This causes multiple problems.

    I've reported this fault three times over a period of more than 6 months. However the reply I get is essentially "we know about this but we can't find the problem".

    I suggest that you give this higher priority!

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  8. Add tag field(s) to export

    I wanted to review the contact offline, or export to third party application and include tag data, but it's not included in the csv -- I imagine it's because there are multiple values for tag so it would be messy; but it would be pretty handy.

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  9. Relate contact to Task or Follow up

    IN the engagement possibilites window we have the ability to select to follow up later with the person or social entity. WHen a follow up task is created and added to the calendar it does so without relating the contact we need to follow up wiht.

    That means when we follow up, we have to then find that contact or do it on our own through our SM Channel. That is an amazing waste of time. These contacts should be auto related to the task and follow up should be an easy task from within the event itself.

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  10. Format phone numbers so Dialers such as Skype and others would automatically provide dialing services.

    Phone number formatting continues to come up in demonstrations. And, upon review of the phone number threads, I believe if Nimble development would format phone number fields as formal phone type fields, many of the threads would be answered automatically.

    For example: Dialing from mobile - handled
    Dialing from web browser with services like Skype and others - handled
    Formatting visually - handled
    As well a number of other comments I see herein.

    Thanks for considering.

    You guys and gals are doing a WONDERFUL job.

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  11. Stay in touch

    I love Nimble, but I do miss the Stay In Touch feature with A way to send an email for a contact to validate or update their information, and remove bounced records where the email is no longer valid

    Would love this feature in Nimble. Perhaps there is a way to do it through MailChimp to send out information on contacts and have people update it through some portal. I do not know but would love it.

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  12. Recently contacted - shoule work for new contacts you add

    I use gmail and if I email someone who is not in Nimble and then add them to Nimble, they will not show at the top of my recently contacted list. They only show up at the top if I email them after I add them to Nimble. Nimble should use the email date/time to determine the sort order of "recently contacted"

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    Thank you for writing in.

    If you have your Gmail connected to Nimble and the contact information for the user you emailed, they will appear at the top of the “Recently Contacted” list.

    We already use the email date/time to show sort order, so if you add this user and their email address to Nimble, they’ll appear on top of the “Recently Contacted” list.

    If you continue to have issues, please reply back to and we will troubleshoot and investigate this issue for you.

    Best regards,


  13. Add ability to delete tags from Activities

    It would be helpful to have the ability to delete unused tags in the activities section.

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  14. defualt contact field values

    This has been said before by others, but it is extremely annoying to have the default phone category set to "home fax". None of my contacts has a home fax. The default should be set to "work" for a business CRM. And same goes for email and address, both are set to "home" by default. all of these should be set to "work" by default if the default can't be set by the user. Until then, it means that every contact entered requires extra effort.

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    Hi Doug,

    We just released an update today to fix this issue, but we chose “Main” to be the primary field value for Phone numbers.

    Here’s the new hierarchy we have for field values:

    Phone modifiers in this order:
    1. Main
    2. Work
    3. Mobile
    4. Home
    5. Work Fax
    6. Home Fax
    7. Other

    Email modifiers
    1. Work
    2. Personal
    3. Other

    Address modifier
    1. Work
    2. Home
    3. Other

    If you have any questions, please write back to me at and I’ll be happy to help.

    Best regards,


  15. make showing tags default

    Default behaviour now is to not show tags on records. I suggest to make it show as default.

    When adding/editing tag, can the focus of the new screen be direct in the ADD TAG bit, rather than clicking in ...saves a bit of work and clicking.

    For aesthetic reasons, can the Hide Tag | Show Tag be moved to the far left next to the tags, rather than above it... and just have one button saying Hide Tags, when active and Show Tags when inactive?

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  16. hyperlinks

    Possibility to link to documents in Dropbox, Google Drive etc. Very usefull for contracts, calculations, offers, invoices etc.

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    Hi Wim,

    Thank you for taking the time to write to us.

    You may add hyperlinks under the “URL” field on a contact record in Nimble. If you want to link to a specific Google Doc, just select “Other URL” and paste in the Google Doc URL.

    We recently released a Dropbox integration and you can authorize to Dropbox directly from the contact record.

    If you have any questions, please send us an email at

    Thank you for your feedback and support!


  17. Allow users to set default fields on contact records

    Right now, when we create a contact from scratch, when we enter the phone number it automatically gets assigned the "work fax" label. We have to then go and edit the information. Also, if we do enter a fax number for the account it automatically gets displayed as the default "phone number" in the at-a-glance information or the contact, resulting in a frustrating experience. I think this is is a bug that needs to be addressed.

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    Hi George,

    We have fixed this issue in Nimble and have added a hierarchy for default field values that appear at the top of a contact record.

    This is the hierarchy we have in place for fields values that default to the top of contact records.

    Phone modifiers in this order:
    1. Main
    2. Work
    3. Mobile
    4. Home
    5. Work Fax
    6. Home Fax
    7. Other

    Email modifiers
    1. Work
    2. Personal
    3. Other

    Address modifier
    1. Work
    2. Home
    3. Other

    If you have any questions, please write back to me at and I’ll be happy to help.

    Thank you,


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  19. It would be helpful

    When you bring up your contacts that you can also be able to source them by state location and create tags like - specialty, business type or categories i.e. medical, marketing, sales, doctors, societies and or organizations This would allow more orderly approach to managing contacts within the network so that you can drill down to what you need.

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    Hi Quintin,

    Thank you for writing to us today.

    At the current moment, you can search for contacts on these criteria by using the Advanced Search function in Nimble.

    You can run advanced searches on contacts based on location, and from the list, you can add a tag to these contacts.

    Please email us at and we can provide you with the exact information you will need to achieve your needs!

    Best regards,


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    We have now fixed this issue in Nimble. When you send a message from a contact record, you will be redirected back to that contact!

    We’re working on many more flow improvements in Nimble, we’re so excited to share them with you!

    Best regards,


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