Add the ability to set specific contacts as private
Sales staff should be able to "protect" their contacts from other sales people from getting deleted, used, shared, etc.
Admins should be able to create a contact then share with particular people of their choice (creating a custom territory for their sales team).
Admin needs more control and 'management' features over team.
ALSO... contacts need to backed up incase they get deleted, in general.... having to update an exported CSV routinely and run the risk of all public contacts among my team will cause me to choose another CRM as we grow.

We now have a privacy feature. You can set granular permissions on the contacts for reading and writing and share contacts with individual team members and groups.
Daniel commented
I do not understand how this isn't already included.
As a Development Manager in a growing Software company we need to be able to see all communications with clients to refer too and get up to speed quickly.
David commented
Absolutely needed. A Sales VP should be able to modify nearly any deal or contact - even if it currently "belongs" to someone else.
Anonymous commented
it seems susch an obvious and critical part of any CRM. I cannot understand why it is not a priority
Anonymous commented
This is the most important things, has it been implemented?? Takes a couple of days! Come on! I thought the platform was amazing until now... it is totally useless if contacts get mixed up.
Edge commented
Agreed, and to start quicker, maybe users of the system could belong to a group, where permissions on groups could include;
can add, view, edit, print, export, delete
(Contacts could belong to multiple groups so if you have four different sales teams, two could view contact record, two cannot. Also means two users can have different groupd permissions on same record. -
GiftPesa commented
Hi There,
In line with personal data privacy laws and business trade practices, this feature is key and existing in most CRMs. Is there any item/deadline on Nimble' roadmap to implement this soon?
Please see related posted items:
NOV 20, 2012 04:53AM PST David Mason
NOV 20, 2012 11:29AM PST NIMBLE (Joseph Kelly)
JAN 29, 2013 12:27AM PST Chris
JAN 29, 2013 04:46PM PST NIMBLE (Joseph Kelly)Thanks
Anonymous commented
I really need this feature as well.
Anonymous commented
This is Very High on our need-to-have list!
Any updates?
Thanks! -
Ryan commented
Where are you guys at with the privacy features for contacts?
Andrew McFadden commented
We are looking to launch Nimble + Hubspot in the next month.
Last update on Feb 25 that the feature will be included, any more information that you can provide?
Anonymous commented
Hi Joseph & Eric, any updates on when privacy features for contacts/deals will happen? I love Nimble and my VP would like to sign on you-- but if we were to hire a sales team, we will need to separate their new contacts/deals from our existing database.
Please let me know if you have a projected timeline and the specific privacy features that your team will implement. Thanks!
John Bartlett commented
This is is very big issue for us. We have a sales team of 8 growing to 15 by year end and privacy/protection real. If a commitment to resolve this is not made it would force us to go to the dark side. very sad
Thank you for your consideration
Kamil_FCG commented
We are using Nimble ( 2 months ) but because of "Nimble privacy politics" we cant use it any more. I'm sorry Nimbly - "give me a call" when you understand it.
Scott Kennedy commented
Agree this is very high priority... privacy of contacts is probably stopping my organization from using Nimble for our main contact management.
Anton commented
Completely agree with all the other comments. As long as you cannot make contacts private, Nimble is unusable in most organizations since team members will not be willing (and frankly, they should not be forced) to share contacts that are not relevant to their role in the company. Ask Mark Cuban if he were willing to share all his contacts with team members... ;-)
Todd Morrill commented
I have lots of pre-existing network connections e.g. Linked In. I want to share some of them with my colleagues. But not all. This feature is important to make Nimble useable for someone like me -- 20+ yrs of contacts, new company, new project. Not all contacts are applicable, not all are appropriate.
Kamil_FCG commented
Is this a such a big problem to answer my question - important for every one of us here.
I see that you are going to follow the "Basecamp path" - "we have specific vision of our product and we don't care about our customers needs - so - don't disturb us with your stupid questions and idiotic features ideas.
It will be better to hear that you are planning to develope this feature in 2015 or 2016 - and realy do this rather than in Q1 2014 and don't keep your promise. -
Kamil_FCG commented
Why nobody from you didn't answered this very important question about permissions. This is very important case from safety area.
None significant Company will not entrust their critical data like contacts without control above their safety and possibility to access user restriction.
In the short term i have to make a decision about CRM selection for our company ( 20 users at the begining, if it will be possible to user access restricted - maybe about 60 users) - I would choose NIMBLE but without information about implementation term of user access restriction this won't be possible.
I have no idea why NIMBLE has omitted this basic function of every CRM.
It's very important for us to know, would NIMBLE plan to implement this function and when they plan to do this.
I will be grateful for your response. -
Anonymous commented
I need to have separate contacts for each of the sales rep.
I saw you planned to do so for Q3 of 2013, is there any real chance to do it for 2014???
Administrator must have control of what customers/contacts can be seen and what information can not be seen by individual, groups and company wide.
Bruce MacNaughton commented
I am one of the voices that speaks the need for this before I invite the rest of the team to Nimble. My personal contacts are just that, and there are different clients whose information is private and should only be seen by their rep. I am enjoying Nimble, and would give all my votes to this suggestion.