Enabling External Web Pages in Nimble
Note: Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest and LinkedIn all prevent access from iframes due to their own internal policies.
To set up an external web page, take the following steps:
1. In Nimble, select Settings >> Integrations
2. Next to "External Web Pages" select Enable.
3. This will bring up the option to "Add a web page".
4. Type in the name and URL for the web page, and then add these supported parameters to the URL to create a specific iframe:
hubspot={hubspot_profile_url} (Note: do not add anything besides this parameter in the URL field for Hubspot only)
5. Here is an example iframe we created for Bing Maps: http://www.bing.com/maps/?where1={location}
The iframe will show up as a new tab on a contact record, and it will bring up their address from a map view through Bing Maps:
About Parameters
As you can see in the screenshot, we added the requirement to look up a contact's {location} after the Bing URL, this will pre-load the top address. Here are some example websites to plug in as iframes in Nimble:
About.me Info - http://about.me/search/#!/q/{contact_name}
Angel List - https://angel.co/search?q={contact_name}
Bing - http://www.bing.com/search?q={contact_name}
Bing Maps - http://www.bing.com/maps/?where1={location}
Forbes - http://www.forbes.com/search/?q={contact_name}
TechCrunch - http://techcrunch.com/search/{contact_name}
US D&B Reports - http://creditreports.dnb.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/IballValidationCmd?storeId=11154&catalogId=71154&searchType=BSF&busName={contact_name}&state=&country=US&cm_mmc=dnb-_-home-_-retail-_-lookup_-topbar#goTop
Xing - http://www.xing.com/publicsearch/query?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q={contact_name}
Yahoo Maps -http://maps.yahoo.com/#tt=&q={location}
Yahoo News - http://news.search.yahoo.com/search?p={contact_name}&fr=sfp&pqstr={contact_name}
Note: Some websites will open iframes in new tabs, such as Crunchbase and Tumblr. This is due to their own preferences.
To set up your own iframe, visit a website and try a sample search. Next, take the results from the URL and append our supported parameters after the search in the URL to create an iframe.
Here are the steps you would take to create an external link to About.me in Nimble.
1. Go to the website that you would like to use for an external web page in Nimble and run a search to find out the URL that is used for search.
2. Run a search on the website you would like to use for an external web page in Nimble. This will reveal the URL for search.
For example, "about.me/search/#!/q/[search term]. We want to search by a contact's name in Nimble, therefore we append {contact_name} to make the URL, "about.me/search/#!/q/{contact_name}.
3. We want this search to be for a contact name on About.me, so we add {contact_name} after the URL we took from our search on about.me for "Jon Ferrara".
4. Here is the final result!
Here is a video walkthrough of External Web Pages in Nimble:
Here is an example of what you'll see in your Hubspot account with hubspot={hubspot_profile_url} enabled:
This is a really great way to enhance your use of the Hubspot integration because you can pull up your lead's profile from within the External Web Page tab.
If you have any questions, please email us at care@nimble.com!