Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
If you have an urgent question about your account or implementing a feature, please write us directly at or tweet us at We are available M-F from 9-5 Pacific.
7 results found
Allow saved searches to be shared among users in a company
I'm the main user in my company and I have the most familiarity with Nimble of any other user. I'd like to create and save searches to share out with the team, so they don't have to create them from scratch. We should have the ability to publish searches to be public to other users, or make them private.
20 votes -
adjust the program where I can type in data immediately in the first input field (also in a pop-up). Now I have to select the field first.
When I want to type in data for a contact I first have to select a field before I can start typing. For example, when I want to add tags, I first have to select the inputfield before I can start typing.
Saves me lots of clicks when I could start typing immediately.Thank you!
19 votes -
Daily summary including all open tasks.
Please let us edit the daily summary mail, like including open tasks for the next four weeks instead of one or even all open tasks.
Thank you
19 votes -
Nesting of tags or subtags to allow better organization and less clutter
Allow tags to be nested under another, for example if I had contacts with the tag "Conferences" I could then have sub-tags under that for specific conferences where the contact came from.
7 votesHi,
Thanks for submitting this request. We definitely see value in being able to add sub-tags to your current tags for better organization.
This request is under review and if it receives more votes, we’ll invest more time in bringing it to completion.
Consider establishing servers in UK/Europe as the service can be very slow particularly after midday.
Its all in the heading...
6 votesHi,
We are always looking at ways to improve performance of Nimble for our users in Europe.
While we aren’t working on anything specific right now, we are reviewing ways to make the experience better for our UK/European users.
We will update this thread as soon as we have more information to share.
Best regards,
Assistly Integration
Provide an integration with Assistly, so that sales & marketing related items can be easily pushed to Nimble. It would be nice if Nimble could push support related cases back to Assistly.
4 votes -
Nimble Daily
Love the Nimble Daily. But as my task list gets larger, so does the email.
I would suggest having a simple configuration with check boxes. The ability to choose events only, tasks only, tasks with stars only, or social updates; would be great.0 votesHi,
We are not currently investigating ways of making our Task notification email updates this specific.
However, if this feature request receives more votes we will invest more time to bringing it to fruition.For now, you can choose to turn these notifications on and off by going to Settings >> Notifications. See screenshot here:
To read more about this feature, click here:
What Is the Nimble Daily?-Best,
- Don't see your idea?