Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
If you have an urgent question about your account or implementing a feature, please write us directly at or tweet us at We are available M-F from 9-5 Pacific.
195 results found
Net Promoter Score
It would be nice if there was a way to rate relationships based on their answer to a single question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely is it you would refer me or my company to a friend or colleague". This is a pretty big deal at a lot of leading companies nowdays like Zappos and Apple.
2 votes -
When will Nimble be able to integrate with Goldmine?
We use Goldmine and have for years. Our entire website's back-end is heavily built around GM and we prefer not to move to another CRM. A lot of this has to do with the fact that the cloud based CRM systems are too slow to be really effective - because we are based in Australia the lag time is significant.
We are employing more and more offshore employees, mainly in the Philippines who access Goldmine through remote desktop clients which quite frankly suck!
That and of course it would be incredible to have Nimble's social network integration layered onto our…
2 votesThanks for submitting your request.
At this time, we do not have any plans to integrate with Goldmine.
You may export your contacts to CSV from Goldmine and format the CSV file according to our template, and then import the contact information to Nimble.
Our CSV template is available here: Nimble CSV Template
If you have any questions, please email us at
Improve ease of contacting someone with fewer clicks
The send-message drop down in the contact bar next to Edit, Add Activity, etc. on a Contact's page, should instead be a Send icon (or small text) with the icons of GMail, FB, Twitter, etc. on it. This way, I can send a message with one click instead of two. Also, I should be able to have the same option to contact someone in the search results without going to their contact page first. That's another click saved. And if you had auto-complete in the search, with their name as well as a Message... or Action... link in the dropdown,…
3 votesHi,
We are going to stick with the drop-down menu for sending messages across multiple networks for now. Our main reasoning is that we want to reduce the number of buttons from the menu on contact records.
Thank you for your feedback and support.
Best regards,
match the import notifications to the name of the file that had been imported.
When doing multiple csv imports, it can be difficult to tell exactly which import has been completed since they are not always completed in order. Can we include the file name in the completed import notification that is emailed to us? Please and thank you, Charlene!
4 votes -
Have the Nimble Twitter field accept usernames as just the username AND @username AND
Have the Nimble Twitter field accept usernames as just the username AND @username AND and ideally even the Twitter URL!/growmap if that is possible. (May not be with the #! in it.)
The reason is that it speeds up our using Nimble because can copy/paste from any source if it did not give validation errors for the full URL - even the clearn full URL.
3 votes -
Attach images to status updates!
I need to post new statuses with images (photo or just funny pics). Dear Nimble, I hope, you should make it possible!
14 votesThis is declined for now until this ability is available over social network APIs.
Buttons should be color coded.
Buttons should be color coded because right now all buttons seem to be grayed out. Submit buttons can be made Green etc.
1 vote -
1 vote
Show more tags (and/or custom fields) for the Company part of the Person contact view.
That one to the right. Just leave them uncollapsed by default.
7 votesHi,
Thank you for submitting this feature request regarding our display of tags in Nimble. At the current moment, we feel satisfied with our tag display and we do not plan on changing to a collapsable list.
We appreciate your feedback and support for Nimble and we definitely encourage you to vote for other features on our forum, we love feedback!
Best regards,
Import contacts based on groups | circles from Facebook or Gmail
Therefore using the existing curiation of contacts in facebook or gmail to increase the filtering of contacts imported and reduce the contact list "clogging" up with unnecessary or unhelpful addresses.
e.g. "" or ""4 votes -
Allow contacts linked to an event be actioned from a contact search by tag where the tag is the event name
You can add a contact to an event, but are unable to action a list of contacts who are linked to the event. I.e. I want to export to Mailchimp the list of contacts who have registered for an event manually.
3 votes -
display more then 25 messages at a time
when i am viewing all messages, or separate categories i want to see more then a standard 25 messages at once for bulk activities like delete..would like to have option to display 25, 50, 100, or 200 at once on same page...
10 votesHi,
Thank you for writing in and submitting this feature request.
For the time being, we must decline the feature request to have Nimble display more than 25 messages at a time.
At a later date, we may review this feature again, but it is not likely at this time.
We genuinely appreciate your feedback and support!
Best regards,
If not automatically, it will be great to do it manually anyway.
Putting our logo instead of Nimble logo would be great!!
15 votesHi,
At the current moment, we don’t plan on adding the feature of including your own company logo in Nimble.
We don’t plan on adding this feature to Nimble in 2013 so I am declining it for now. If it receives enough votes, we will review this feature request.
Best regards,
Combine elements of Nirvana GTD task management into the Activities view
Actually, it looks like you are already headed this way... but a combination of the thought behind Nirvana ( and your activities tab would be extremely powerful.
9 votes -
Tag context
Tags are great, but they can loose their meaning over time, especially when multiple people start using them. Why not add the ability to have a comment behind a tag to preserve the context / meaning? If you hover over the tag, the comment should pop up. This adds context to the tag.
e.g. I have a tag "Dead cold call". The meaning of this tag is: "A cold call confirmed as dead, and should never be invited again. We keep these contact records for networking, and to know we should not invite them to use our product again."
7 votes -
Allow us to use the application of choice
Example: When I send a new email from Nimble I have to use the Nimble interface. I have Gmail extensions like Boomerang that are very helpful, but that I can't access via the Nimble interface. Either allow me to access or simply push me to the Gmail app so that I have access to all of my plugins for that application.
4 votesHi,
Unfortunately, our Gmail integration only allows us to pul message information from Gmail.
To access your cool integrations, you’ll need to use Gmail for messaging.
On the bright side, any messages sent through Gmail will sync back to Nimble, so you won’t have to worry about the message features that Nimble doesn’t have compared to Gmail.
To put it another way, Nimble is meant to remember everything for you, we don’t intend to replace your current system with Gmail.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Best regards,
Add ability to email all contacts connected to an event
The event function is nice, but needs a lot more functionality. It would be great if I could send the same email to everyone connected to an event, but without them seeing each other, and being able to autofill a fields like "Last Name".
What I mean is, I want to create an email that looks like this:
To [First Name] [Last Name],
Thank you for speaking at the upcoming event in [location] on [Date]...
And then in the "To" field, instead of choosing individual contacts, I could choose events by name and it would send this message to each…
4 votesHi,
At the current moment, we do not plan on adding the ability to send messages from a calendar event.
Depending on how many votes this feature receives, we may revisit adding it to Nimble. For now, we do not plan on adding this feature in 2013.
Thank you for your feedback and support!
Shipping and billing address should be standard for companies
I would like to see shipping and billing address on by default for companies. And work and home addresses on by default for contacts (not as critical as the first one, though).
4 votesWe will likely not change the address field designators we’ve already chosen for Nimble to keep everything simple.
Enable photo/album uploading for Facebook (profile) & Facebook Pages
Nimble would be even better if one could post photo or albums directly from the Nimble would make like much easier :)
5 votesHi Sana,
Thank you for submitting this feature request. Unfortunately, we’re not currently planning on adding the ability to upload photos through the Facebook API, as we’re focusing on other areas of improvement for Nimble and your social accounts.
We may review this request at another time if it receives votes from other users, but we must decline it for now.
Thank you for your support for Nimble!
integration with mixtent
like to see how my contacts stack up on skills
2 votesHi,
At this time, we do not have any plans to integrate with Mixtent.
When this request receives more votes, we will investigate the possibility of bringing it to fruition.
- Don't see your idea?