When will Nimble be able to integrate with Goldmine?
We use Goldmine and have for years. Our entire website's back-end is heavily built around GM and we prefer not to move to another CRM. A lot of this has to do with the fact that the cloud based CRM systems are too slow to be really effective - because we are based in Australia the lag time is significant.
We are employing more and more offshore employees, mainly in the Philippines who access Goldmine through remote desktop clients which quite frankly suck!
That and of course it would be incredible to have Nimble's social network integration layered onto our Goldmine contacts...

Thanks for submitting your request.
At this time, we do not have any plans to integrate with Goldmine.
You may export your contacts to CSV from Goldmine and format the CSV file according to our template, and then import the contact information to Nimble.
Our CSV template is available here: Nimble CSV Template
If you have any questions, please email us at care@nimble.com.