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This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.

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413 results found

  1. Add a Find & Merge Duplicates

    Reviewing contacts and merging one by one takes too long. I'd like a feature similar to gmail where you can find and merge duplicates.

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  2. Add The Ability to Link / Relate Two Contacts

    I would like to relate contacts with customized fields like People A is Father of People B, People B then automatically would be son of People A... then customized like... People C is lawyer for People D, E, F, G... etc.

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  3. Add Multiple Email Signatures

    As I use my email for work and play, it would be nice to have the option of multiple email signatures as found in Outlook or Gmail help separate lifestyles

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    Thank you for writing in.

    We have placed this feature request “Under Review” and we will update the status at a later date when we have made a decision whether to move forward or not.

    Thank you for your continuing feedback and support for Nimble!

    Best regards,


  4. Person and Company contacts should inherit work related information to reduce duplicate entry

    1) A company already exists with work related information saved in the company record. When ‘Adding a Person’ the company name is in the entry form, but the person should inherit the work related information from the company record.

    2) Second scenario, If I create a new person and company in one step, and fill in Main work phone# and Work Address, this information is shown in that person’s record only. Users that search by company should be able to reference this information in the company record, rather than opening an employee’s record. If multiple employees are shown, one record…

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    Thank you for writing in with this suggestion.

    We have placed this feature request under review for a later time, as it would be interesting to automatically map all “work” information to a contact when they are added to a company.

    Thank you for your feedback and support!

    Best regards,


  5. toolbar to add contacts from any site

    I would like the ability to add contacts from any site on the web. Highlight the info, click button, add as contact. I have seen this in other CRM's with chrome/firefox toolbars and also with a list building tool egrabber.

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    Thank you for submitting this feature request.

    We will review whether or not a toolbar add on for Nimble is feasible for adding new contacts and we will post an update to this forum once our Product team has given a full assessment.

    In the meantime, please try out our Nimble raplet for Rapportive, which can be found in Settings >> Integrations in Nimble. This is a great tool that allows you to create new contacts directly from email interactions.

    Best regards,


  6. Add the option to log a phone call (instead of using the "Log Activity" option for this)

    How can a CRM not have the option to log a phone call? Using the "Log Activity" option instead doesn´t seem to make much sense - as activities are basically tasks in Nimble (and are not treated as contacts with a client in regard to the "stay in touch" functionality).

    This seems very basic and obvious to me. Am I missing something?

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  7. Add more Advanced Search criteria

    This is a feature request to add the ability to search by multiple criteria in advanced search such as:

    • Begins With

    • Greater Than/Less Than/Equal To

    • Birthday

    If you have any additional ideas for queries to add to Advanced Search, please include them in the comments and we will update this feature request.

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    We plan on adding more criteria to Advanced Search.

    For now, we have added “Is Not” as advanced search criteria.

    We also have “Or” as criteria for search, if you search for "Find people or companies that match “any” of the following", it will function as an “Or” search.

    If you search for "Find people or companies that match “all” of the following", it will function as an “And” search.

    We will need to do more work to add search for numerical values such as “Greater/Less/Equal to” and the same goes for “Birthdays”. We will update this thread when we have more information on these fronts.

    Thank you for your feedback and support!

    Best regards,


  8. Allow CUSTOM time periods for "stay in touch"

    Really, really need the ability to select "Custom" and enter own time period (right from same screen) for which I wish to "Stay in Touch." Often I'm finding that neither weekly, monthly, quarterly, nor annually are appropriate.

    Thanks for an incredible tool!

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  9. Sync to Outlook contacts

    need a clean sync back to outlook contacts. We have software that is business-critical that uses outlook, as do a lot of firms we do business with.

    It is not practicable to update both nimble and outlook with changed data / new contacts.

    We need a two-way sync that will allow new/updated details to sync both ways, which works where updates have taken place in both etc.

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  10. Add ability to link companies

    It would be useful to be able to link companies together and track the type of relationship.

    For example: "Company A is owned by Company B".

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  11. Create the ability to assign tag(s) as we import a contact from the social media streams

    I find as I go through my twitter searches I want to import Contacts that I'd like to follow more closely. Typically, it relates to a specific topic. I found that it takes me far too many clicks to go back and deal with this; especially if I"m trying to get a lot of them in manually. If I don't do it then, it becomes difficult to go back and find the Contacts I just imported. If we could add the tag before, or as, we import the Contact, that would help keep Contacts organized from the start.

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  12. Offline use

    Would like the ability to use Nimble offline when necessary. A Unix Desktop app would be great that would sync back to Nimble. Or offline via iPhone.

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    At the current moment, we do not have plans to develop Nimble for offline use.

    We would love to hear your thoughts on why you would like to work offline, please share your ideas in the comments on this thread so we may review this at a later date.

    Best regards,


  13. I would love the ability to map my contacts to a google map for scheduling purposes. This would allow me to cover more accounts in less time

    One of the features from our current CRM is the ability to create a map with all the accounts and contacts in a certain city, zip code or state. This allows our reps to maximize their day by seeing as many people as possible.

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    We will review the possibilities of integrating a maps application with Nimble, it definitely sounds like a great idea!

    We will update this thread in the future when we have more information to share!


    -The Nimble Team

  14. Tags should not be case sensitive.

    There is probably a reason for it being the way it is, but making tags case sensitive is annoying.

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  15. Add a 'documents' tab in the contacts view

    I several emails I attach (important) files. And with the large amount of emails that are send it sometimes hard to find back a certain file. Is it possible that Nimble find them for you. So next to the 'message','activities' and 'deals' tab a 'documents' tab. When you click on it you should see a complete list of all the files that were send to that specific contact or (in company view) to a contact belonging to a certain company.

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    At the current moment, we do not have the ability to search messages that contain file attachments from within Nimble. If you are currently using Gmail, you can use the advanced search function to search for emails sent with specific file attachments.

    With regards to attaching documents to contacts, we are looking into integrations with various cloud document storage platforms to allow for better ease of access to documents that are related to your specific contacts.

    If you have any questions, please email us at, we are always happy to help out.

    Best regards,


  16. Enable mass adding of activities to contacts

    Users should be able to search for a group of contacts using advanced search, and then mass add an activity to that contact group.

    This is somewhat of an offshoot of this post:

    For example, in search:

    "show me all contacts tagged X and X", or "show me all contacts I haven't talked to in 2 months"

    and then using the select feature, you should be able to add an activity for all people at once, for example "send an update email".

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    We are placing this feature under review and we hope to share more information in the future.

    Thank you for taking the time to submit and vote for this issue, we truly appreciate your support for Nimble!

    Best regards,

    -The Nimble Team

  17. It would be very helpful to enter the notes section of a contact and be able to read the whole note and no just the title.

    I'd like to be able to go into the notes section and be able to read the full notes in a timline form, instead of having to click into each specific note. It's an additional step and doing it over and over again to get caught up on a contact is frustratingly inefficient. While utilizing a pop up window for editing does make sense, being able to read it creates more work. We are busy and ease of use is key in crms. Thanks.

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    For now, we are declining this feature request because we like the compact view of notes on contact records.

    If this feature garners enough votes, we will reconsider, but most of our feedback in this area has been positive so we don’t plan on changing it just yet.

    Best regards,


  18. Better Tag Management

    Improve tag management. We should be able to delete many tags at once in case of import errors.

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  19. Ecommerce integration

    I want a CRM that can connect to my ecommerce store. Specifically:

    1. Customers become contacts
    2. Sales data should be displayed when viewing a contact (i.e. orders to date, total sales, date of last order)
    3. Orders should be displayed when viewing a contact
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    At the current moment, we do not have plans to internally develop an ecommerce integration with Nimble and specific solutions such as PayPal or Google Checkout.

    We have recently released an integration with Zapier ( which will allow you to create a “trigger” between your ecommerce application and Nimble.

    For example, a new customer in your Ecommerce software can be set to “Zap” to Nimble to create a new contact record.

    We appreciate your continuing feedback and support and we would love to hear more about how you use Nimble. Please feel free to email us at to share your thoughts and questions with us.

    Best regards,


  20. Auto-format phone numbers

    It's annoying that phone numbers don't auto-format. It would be nice if phone numbers would be auto-formatted as you enter them, just like on

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