Auto-format phone numbers
It's annoying that phone numbers don't auto-format. It would be nice if phone numbers would be auto-formatted as you enter them, just like on

Hi Andrew,
We will review the potential to auto-format phone numbers in Nimble.
After we’ve reviewed this feature, we will update this request!
-The Nimble Team
Joey Cortez commented
So annoying that the phone number field doesn't auto format.
Hi Andrew,
At the current moment, we treat the phone number field like a text field and we have not prioritized this feature request yet. We would likely work on this at a later point in 2013.
We will update this ticket when we have more information to share. Thank you for your patience.
Andrew Bermudez commented
Any update on this. It's very annoying that I have to manually enter a hypen on every phone number I enter. Otherwise they show like one big number.
Let me know.