Add Multiple Email Signatures
As I use my email for work and play, it would be nice to have the option of multiple email signatures as found in Outlook or Gmail help separate lifestyles

Thank you for writing in.
We have placed this feature request “Under Review” and we will update the status at a later date when we have made a decision whether to move forward or not.
Thank you for your continuing feedback and support for Nimble!
Best regards,
David Roberts commented
We'd love this feature too but wanted to share a workaround we use.
Make use of the templates and make a unique one (blank other than the signature details) for each business you want to send from.
Ira Feldman commented
Add another vote to have multiple signatures selected based upon the account the email is being sent from.
Anonymous commented
I really need this feature added soon please.
Anonymous commented
This is a deal breaker as I want to use Nimble for two separate businesses and require separate signatures
Anonymous commented
PLEASE add this ASAP! It is critical for my business. I need different signatures for different email addresses!
Anonymous commented
A must for me! I've multiple IMAP email addresses, each catering to a different brand.
Cristian commented
This is a must :)
Anonymous commented
Im also missing this usefull function as well.
Sean. D commented
Yes for sure, especially since we can hook in multiple Gmail accounts, so we need to be able to have multiple email signatures.
Anonymous commented
I think this feature is very important and should be included.
Rick commented
Please add my name as well to the list of those who would like to be able to choose from more than one email signature.
Anonymous commented
Please add my name to this list. Can't use the email integration with any efficiency unless this is added. I have to use the right signature for each of my accounts.
Rick commented
I would like to add my name to the list in support of multiple email signatures
Tafadzwa Muchopa commented
Isn't more than two years too long to wait for a feature that is so greatly needed? Help us Nimble!
Barry Rawlings commented
C'mon Nimble we need this!
Anonymous commented
Just do it or you risk frustrating your subscribers and being left behind
Anonymous commented
Yes, multiple email signatures would be a good feature. I too market under separate email signatures and this feature would help me. I vote yes!
Thank you -
jack silver commented
currently i have two different email addresses that are usable within my Nimble account.... SO I NEED TO HAVE A UNIQUE EMAIL SIGNATURE FOR THEM
Anonymous commented
Having multiple email signatures only make sense. It should be a fairly easy workaround. If you are sending something from xyz gmail, the drop-down selector would fill in the signature for xyz, same with other selections. It should be an easy and great addition to the service....
Jarvis commented
Once you allow multiple email accounts, it's almost shocking to hear that you don't support multiple signatures. Technically, this cannot be that big of a change, if your design/architecture is flexible enough. Please consider to up this in your priority list.