Add a Find & Merge Duplicates
Reviewing contacts and merging one by one takes too long. I'd like a feature similar to gmail where you can find and merge duplicates.

JackLynn commented
Is their an update on this feature?
Nick commented
Is there an update on when this feature (find & merge duplicates in batch) would be available? thanks!
Stormy Knight commented
Since this is 2019, has that been implemented?
Martin Brossman commented
Thanks for consider this!
Salvador commented
We do not understand why this features does not play. Our nimble got 45000 contacts!!! The real number had to be about 7000, the rest of them duplicates!!!
Anonymous commented
it's crazy this doesn't exist yet. the auto merge on import doesn't work very well. Please add asap.
Clinton David Skakun commented
I've had a lot of people asking for a lower monthly package. Dedupely for Nimble has been reduced to $5.99 a month for the benefit of everyone:
Anonymous commented
Ooo, very useful! +1
Roy commented
This would be very usefull i have 23000 contacts. I saw allready many duplicates.
Clinton David Skakun commented
I've recently launched a new deduper that will eventually work for many CRM. Since I'm well acquainted with Nimble's API, I wrote one for Nimble first.
It's just been added to the Nimble Integrations Marketplace:
Clinton David Skakun commented
If your business is running lean or doesn't have a big budget we offer a $29/mo package for 10k contacts or less at
Also, contact me via about any concerns, feature requests or questions about UnDupe.
Anonymous commented
Really need this. I stopped using nimble as a result but am still paying for it in the hopes something will change soon... undupe want ~$150 per month. Do not understand why it's not there...
Oren Yehezkely commented
Why does it take so long to implement a relatively simple (but essential) feature like that?
You really need to overhaul the inadequate (trying to be gentle here) merge feature you now offer.
First it will work only if you know the records you need to merge, and this will usually happen if you know the name or you see them both on the same screen.
You need to add find and merge so that the system will find duplicates by itself.But, even worse, it will remove necessary data and keep other data, without any guidance from the user. I just tested it and it created something like that: John, Last_Name, SAME_Last_Name.
What is the point?I suggest that you take a look at SugarCRM (I used the Community Edition) and see how they do merge. It is the best I have seen so far, and it is easy to implement. I have showed it to a programmer and he was able to implement a feature like that within a few hours of work.
I just looked at the Gmail de-dupe tool and it looks awful, I really hope you don't use it as a model, it will be worthless.
Martin Brossman commented
I would like to see a built in feature of Nimble to look for duplicates.
Anonymous commented
Yes have been waiting for this. Absolutely Need it asap!!!
Dennis van der Heijden commented
I now use this Undupe thing... and works really well (I push around 100 duplicates in the system a day)... and cleans it up nicely
SI commented
Maybe you'd be interested in this initiative to automatically merge and clean your list on a daily basis -
Anonymous commented
Yes, the current merge is very clunky. Ideally I would like to see the differences & tell the system what to keep & what to delete. Or if it would just keep everything I could live. Currently it deletes the good info & keeps the bad info & that is not ok!
Daniel commented
let me suggest to also have an option to update the contacts in GMAIL and Exchange Servers after the merge?
Dennis van der Heijden commented
One merge to rule them all :-)