Add a 'documents' tab in the contacts view
I several emails I attach (important) files. And with the large amount of emails that are send it sometimes hard to find back a certain file. Is it possible that Nimble find them for you. So next to the 'message','activities' and 'deals' tab a 'documents' tab. When you click on it you should see a complete list of all the files that were send to that specific contact or (in company view) to a contact belonging to a certain company.

At the current moment, we do not have the ability to search messages that contain file attachments from within Nimble. If you are currently using Gmail, you can use the advanced search function to search for emails sent with specific file attachments.
With regards to attaching documents to contacts, we are looking into integrations with various cloud document storage platforms to allow for better ease of access to documents that are related to your specific contacts.
If you have any questions, please email us at, we are always happy to help out.
Best regards,
César Izaguirre commented
Maybe attaching the google docs url for that particular document.