ability to limit access when multi-users
I want to bring my team onto nimble to easily share my contacts/jointly manage messages, etc. Ideally, one could have an option to share a contact/message w/ the whole team and/or with individuals within the team. When "share" available: suggest including a comments box for context with regard to sharing the contact. "contaxt" This way personal contacts/DMs remain personal.
Admincharlene (Admin, Nimble) commented
I want to let you know that you can see who created a contact in Nimble by going to Contact Info >> System and you'll see "Created by".
If you would not like to share your emails with your team, you can adjust your privacy settings by going to Settings >> Networks & Imports and select the lock button to make your messages private to your team.
If you would like to make a specific email thread private, you can select the lock button at the top of your email thread.
Thank you for writing in!
Leah N commented
This is really important. I want to be able to see contacts, and who 'owns' them in my company, and I'd like to be able to see that they were emailed (or: "Last contact: John Doe emailed this person on 3/16/2012" but I don't necessarily need to see the email.
Mike commented
Any update?
cyril commented
we need to add a lot of security because if i share a contact everybody has access to all my emails and details