Deal Management - Exporting & Adding a "Type"
Ability to export all deal related data for internal reporting.
Being able to refine what data to export by, eg,
- Owner
- Stage
- Type
Type = New Business, Contract Re-Sign, Referral, Reseller
Have the ability to change the type names and add additional entries.

We have half of this feature request completed.
1) You can export your deals now!
And you can filter which deals to export.
2) We don’t have the field “Type” yet. Still remains a feature request.
Diana van der Pol commented
Started in 2011... You realize it is now 2021??
Anonymous commented
I need the deal type field as well to record the source. In addition, for win deals it would be good if the export included the “won” date.
carrie jeske commented
We need the notes please. And the ablity to expert by sort criteria "Name"
Ralf Reichert commented
Ralf Reichert commented
last try :)
Ralf Reichert commented
any news?
Ralf Reichert commented
2) We don't have the field "Type" yet. Still remains a feature request.
What does that mean its in execution or has to be resubmitted?
Its a key feature for my company decision which will be done very soon :)