PLEASE Make it possible to scan business cards with ScanBizCards (best one) straight into Nimble not through address book
not sure what rapportive can do or v cards so many people come without v cards or gmail so we just need something quick and easy like biz card intergration

Anonymous commented
It would be a tremendous help for all of us that own ScanBizCards and also Cardscan to be able to scan cards directly into nimble.... being able to do today would be awesome - as I have thousands of contacts .. thx
Anonymous commented
yes. it would def be a kicker!
Anonymous commented
This would also be a huge plus for me as well. Please let us know if and when something like this will be available. Thanks!
Jon Senn commented
I would consider it a HUGE plus and it would greatly affect my decision making if Nimble had the capacity to scan two-sided business cards into it's system.