Integrate with more options available in Zapier
Add more triggers and actions to Zapier integration. There has to be a way you can advocate for them if they handle the integration. Did you make it difficult with your programming and available ways they could bring in data? Piesync is not accepting new customers so that's not an acceptable solution and unless there's another option that includes way more apps, truely automating all parts of my business requires better integration with zapier. What would it take for this to happen? It seems like a no brainer that would make your whole service more valuable.
At the moment, the Zapier integration is pretty limited to just creating a new contact or task. This is not sufficient for a lot of tasks which involve current customers such as syncing data with another CRM or adding information from my scheduling app like Acuity Scheduling or syncing to our email platform, Simplero. All of those have robust hooks available in zapier.

Mandy commented
Yes, please! Even just the ability to "update a contact" would be a tremendous help!