Car Finance Becoming Tougher for Consumers
Auto finance numbers have been growing all year steadily. In July 2021, car financing recorded an all-time high of Rs. 314 billion. The numbers rose to Rs. 326 billion in August, Rs. 338 billion in September, Rs. 346 billion in October, and Rs. 349 billion in November.
Maxim Maxim commented
Today, everything is becoming more difficult, not just financing cars, which is very sad. What is the purpose of keeping cars out of the reach of ordinary people? For me, this is not normal at all. Anyway, that depends greatly on which car financing company you call. Many companies have a very high percentage, but if you surf more on the Internet, they offer you much better offers. I found such companies on, which have a very low rate. So before contacting a company, do good research on Google.