Fix: Cross check ALL email fields for duplicates before merging Contacts during an upload
I find it very disappointing that when I upload a list of contacts and, god forbid, some have a common name that matches with someone already in the database (e.g. Juan Carlos) ... the two contacts (old+new) would get merged, even if they are not the same person. I have actually lost leads like this, twice! (with me realizing) and god knows how many times without me realizing .. :(. I was told that this is because the check for duplicates happens on the email field, but only linearly and NOT across, e.g. if my new Juan Carlos's Work Email is, and the old Juan Carlos's Work email is for whatever reason blank (and/or the old JC's email is entered in another Email position, say Personal Email) ... then the system thinks this is the same person and merges the two Juan Carloses, and we now have one Juan Carlos with 2 email addresses, likely 2 numbers, possibly a company lost, etc... The result - a mess, and a lot of time waste.
It would be really great, if at import the system can check emails across ALL email fields before deciding, if this is a duplicate or not. I get it, there will still be space for errors, but it will be a little better.
Please consider fixing this.
Sadie Wood commented
It is a real shame that, if importing with a CSV, nimble will automatically merge contacts just because they have the same name! (first and last). There are 47,254 John Smiths on LinkedIn alone so I know many of my 30,000+ contacts in Nimble will be merged and there is no way to find them to fix it. I have lost a lot of contacts in Nimble as a result of this. We really need a way around it. Especially as Nimble does not inform you of what contacts were merged during an import. This alone would be a good enough fix for me. Nimble is great, this would make it perfect.
Anwar Parvez commented
Many of Nimble competitors have this feature nailed. In Zoho, while importing a list, it simply asks for Do you want to check for duplicates? Then is asks for a field (usually email address). For large import files - this is extremely useful.
I am in a trial period with Nimble (and couple other CRMs) right now. And I see this being a priority differentiation for you competitors.
Dennis van der Heijden commented
I now use this Undupe thing... and works really well (I push around 100 duplicates in the system a day)... and cleans it up nicely