Gmail Widget: Query new contacts and pre-populate name fields.
Hi There,
Happy Nimble customer here with a feature request to improve the Gmail Contact widget. I email a lot prospects and wish to import, and tag them all WHILE emailing them.
Many times my favorite Rapportive feature, the "import to nimble" button, doesn't appear or fails to import. So my alternative options are:
1) Load up the nimble website, browse to my sent Email messages. Open the sent message and about 90% of the time Nimble successfully queries and finds this prospects LinkedIn account. Thus, pre-populating their name, title, business name, etc. All I have to do is click "Import" and all that info is imported, instantly.
2) Browse to my sent emails INSIDE of gmail. Open the same sent email. Since the contact doesn't exist in Nimble, the widget prompts me to create a contact in Nimble. However, it does no social network crawling. So, I have to fill out their first and last name manually. Also, the tagging field in the "add" window doesn't query existing tags, so I first save the contact, then open up the tags tab inside the widget and my tags then appear as I type.
Not a huge deal but when many of these contacts' names may be difficult to spell, or I already closed the tab, etc. Having it auto-populate is SO nice and would love to have it inside the gmail widget, if possible.