I suggest Nimble add a new 'Withdraw' status for deals beside 'Won' and 'Lost'
I've seen that you added the Reports tab, which is just great at showing stats of the lost and won deals.
However, I do have a suggestion. for every deal, there are just two options: Win and Lose. While I often found myself in a situation where my company decided to withdraw from a deal out of our own will. What do we do then?
Deleting a deal is not exactly the solution in such case because we like to keep records of each transaction.
It's definitely not a Won, so I mark such deals as Lost. Can you imagine how discouraging my overall stats are when I see so many deals Lost? While really we just withdrew from pursuing the deal further.
Is it possible to add a Withdraw deal status beside Win and Lose? That would be really helpful.
Thanks in advance.