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413 results found

  1. make it easier to search for birthdays

    make it possible to search for birthdays within a certain time frame. ie; June 1st-14th 201

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  2. nickname, gender

    In Google Gmail Contacts there was a field called "Nickname" which we had to use. For instance one of our client (Singaporean) calls himself "Sam" but his real name is Chua Eng Kwee. In addition, some Chinese names do not clearly reveal the Gender to us non-Chinese. Those fields are missing in Nimble. Why?

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  3. have a function that lets people log a touch for multiple contacts at once!

    We recently sent an email to about 20 contacts to make them aware of a special offer just for them. it would be nice to be able to select them all and log the touch in one entry that gets posted into each of their contact pages/profiles.

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  4. Solve problem with Sanebox and Nimble where Nimble / Recently contacted shows your own contacts (me) all over the first two pages

    As a user of Sanebox I want to use Nimble / Recently contacted to show a list of the people I am currently in frequent touch with without showing my own contact(s) (me) on the first 2 pages SO THAT I don't have to flip two pages ahead to find external contacts.

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  5. Show tasks in contacts view

    I just signed up for a trial, was surprised to see that there is no indication of pending tasks associated with contacts when viewing the contacts list. I'd like to see this indicated with icons or otherwise.

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  6. Tasks in Contacts list view

    As we are bringing in fairly large imports of lists, I would like to see the ability to assign tasks and/or deals to one or more contacts in the Contacts List view. This would prevent us from having to "drill down" into that contact and edit it.

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  7. 3 votes

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  8. Auto-add tags when importing Facebook/ Google+ Custom lists & Circles

    Especially professionals use custom lists in facebook and circles in G+ to to differ various contact groups: family, business, football, best friends.

    Nimble MUST allow auto-adding these to with according tags. This a feature is CRITICAL.

    I think many customers, especially new customers, would love this.

    Keep up the great work!


    In my case:
    Importing 600 Contacts from facebook requires me hours of work to sort, priorize and set notifies.

    If i had auto-tags for the import source (where i manage groups) i'd be happy with the product within a minute.

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  9. Add a lead owner

    I would like to be able to assign lead owners to in the lead details menu to any contacts. And the lead owners should be a editable list consisting of the users/past users of nimble within the company.
    In addition it would be nice to be able to assign tasks to lead owners concerning contacts.

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  10. Allow search by range (date, time etc).

    We auto import sign-ups from our website and have set things up to capture OS, time, region, IP etc. However, we' like to be able to search via a range. For example, sign-ups on the website made between 1 Jan 2014 to 30 June 2015 for example.

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  11. Vimeo social account detection

    Our users live on Vimeo, so I'd like a social profile discovery feature for that.

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  12. lead type. add information easier. more customizable.

    Would it be possible to make it easier to fill in lead details such as type and source already when adding contacts from a mail? That for me is a lot more important than easily filling in social media feeds.
    Also, it would be very interesting to be able to program our own fields more freely to our custom needs, to select what fields and information we want to prioritize when adding a customer. Its too predetermined in my experience!

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  13. show the list of existing tags on the pages of individual contacts.

    Although the suggestions come up when you put at least one character, it may be much easier to add tags if I can see the existing tags in the individual pages (like it appears in the list of contacts page).

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  14. Filtering twitter accounts

    Locate accounts not publishing or not active in twitter to delete them.

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  15. Make it possible to view people at companies

    I'd like to be able to see a list of people who are at a set of filtered companies.

    For example, if I have companies tagged as "lead" or "priority" or "customer" I want to be able to see people who work at those companies.

    Currently I'd have to tag each individual as well as the company. And as I add new contacts there's no way to filter to see which new contacts I need to tag as "customer" or "lead" etc.

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  16. Manager Field & organisation chart creation

    Would be great to have a manager field which linked Contracts together and then have a presentation/report which could give a hierarchy of contacts based on a start point

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  17. set custom "stay in touch" days or dates

    I need a group/tag of people to be contacted every 3 days, and some need to be contacted every 6 weeks. We need custom "stay in touch" dates or this CRM is useless to me.

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  18. Add the ability to have tags be a searchable attribute of a filter field

    In my situation I need a
    list of every employee that works under the the tag "bfest16" which is
    applied to 120 different companies.

    I have 120 companies (of thousands) that have been tagged. I want the
    contact info for the people at those companies.

    So the search would be something like:
    Search for People only
    Work Company = company tagged with "bfest16"

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  19. Your contact improt process is way to complicated. I simply need to map data fields and import. This tab nonsense is a time waster.

    Your contact improt process is way to complicated. I simply need to map data fields and import. This tab nonsense is a time waster.

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  20. No picture filtering

    Please allow your magnificent filtering system to select those who have and those who don't have a profile picture. Our minds are quite limited when it comes to remembering from a list of thousands names only, or faces only, but having both helps a lot. A blank picture is definitely a good way to forget about who was him/her.

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