Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
If you have an urgent question about your account or implementing a feature, please write us directly at or tweet us at We are available M-F from 9-5 Pacific.
195 results found
Attach images to status updates!
I need to post new statuses with images (photo or just funny pics). Dear Nimble, I hope, you should make it possible!
14 votesThis is declined for now until this ability is available over social network APIs.
Multiple NIMBLE user account management
i use NIMBLE at several companies through seperate accounts - it would be great to nimbly flick between accounts (similiar to pages in facebook),as the current switching between accounts is a little dificult.
14 votes -
Make it possible to change the name of phone number fields like you can in Google Contacts.
e.g. "Direct line", "Holiday home", "2nd mobile number"
13 votesHi,
We are going to decline this feature for now.
If this feature garners enough votes, we will open it back up for consideration.
Best regards,
let me import profiles of commenters on my facebook page
If I post a photo to my company's facebook page, it gets a flood of commentary that I can see in Nimble. The names of the commenters are hyperlinked into Facebook and I can see their profiles there, but I can't save them as contacts in Nimble.
13 votesHi,
Unfortunately, we’re not able to access this information through Facebook’s API for Facebook Pages.
Here is a link to their documentation:
If they allow us to have access to this contact information, we will definitely be happy to add a feature relating to it in Nimble.
For now, this feature is tabled until further notice from Facebook.
Best regards,
Connect nimble with Meetup, so that I can see who I will know at Meetups / who I knew there and either attend or follow-up.
I'd like to see in advance who I will know at a Meetup, and be able to follow up after a Meetup to ping people I knew / met there and engage them in conversations about it.
13 votesHi,
Thank you for taking the time to submit this feature request.
At the current moment, we do not have plans to integrate Nimble with Meetup, although that would be a very cool integration to have!
I’m keeping this thread open for voting, but we are declining it because we do not have plans to add this to Nimble in 2013.
Thank you for all of your feedback and support for Nimble!
Best regards,
Clearslide Integration
Clearslide is a fantastic sales tool. Would be perfect to have an integration with Nimble.
12 votes -
Integration with VK.COM
There's popular social network in Russia -
It has API. Please, consider developing integration with it.12 votes -
Allow entry of monthly payments in deals
A lot of the deals we add to nimble include some form of regular payment, such as hosting. It would be nice to be able to record these elements on deals.
Currently I just leave them out of the deal and just add in the capital cost to the client.12 votesHi,
As of right now, we envision the deal tool in Nimble to be for deals that occur once so I am declining this feature request for now.
If we receive enough votes on this feature, we will open it back up for review, but for now, we must decline it.
Best regards,
Kayako Integration
Kayako sync to contacts, emails and others.
12 votes -
Add Sorting for custom fields
Sorting by a custom date or number in a custom field is a must have for me, and I think would be of great use for a lot of your customers. Why not add the ability to sort results by custom fields.
10 votesWe do not have plans to offer sorting on all custom fields at this time. We recommend exporting to CSV to sort on specific fields in Excel or another spreadsheet program.
adding customize able invoice
can we have the ability to do invoicing in Nimble? Invoicing is a must have for most, it would be great to have this in the near future:>
10 votesHi,
At the current moment, we will not be developing any invoicing integrations internally.
When we release our developer API in Fall 2012,the likelihood of an invoicing integration with Nimble will certainly increase!
We look forward to sharing more information as we continue to grow, thank you for sharing your recommendation with us!
Best regards,
-The Nimble Team
Add text to tags to explain their context
Tags are great, but after a while you forget their exact meaning. You can end up with several similar tags that all mean the same thing. You can end up with tags where you haven't a clue what they are used for, especially when there are several people creating tags.
Give us the ability to add text to tags that explains what they are used for. If you hover your mouse over a tag in the main tag list the explanatory text should show up. There should be a separate 2 column view of tags that also displays the text…
10 votes -
Translate Nimble to portuguese (PT-BR)
I really need a CRM integrated with Google and i NEED that in portuguese :(
10 votesThanks for sending in your request.
Unfortunately, we will not be looking into Language Localisation at this time.
Search Smart Summary
So much information is only available in the smart summary.
Being able to search the smart summary allow for better targeting.
Nimble is all about the freshness is a quality of the data.
So searching the summary is absolutely necessary.
10 votesWe do not offer the ability to search the Smart Summary, but we offer the ability to search Interests and many other social fields through our Smart Segmentation.
Contacts tab - List View display more than 30 contacts
By: Jose Antonio Ribeiro Neto
Sometimes for easy operation, could be very interesting show a little more users per page.
Nimble shows only 30 per page.
It'd be great if Nimble can show more.
10 votesHi,
For now, we are not going to show more than 30 contacts per page in Nimble.
If this feature receives an overwhelmingly large amount of votes, we will reconsider, but this is our decision for now.
Best regards,
End of week = Sunday; but in business terms it is better to use Friday
In Activities Scheduling I suggest to change "This Week" to be Friday EOB (end of business).
That way the reminders (Nimble daily) will include the outstanding stuff by Friday instead of being overlooked until Sunday... - where I prefer not to work too much ;-) !
/C10 votes -
display more then 25 messages at a time
when i am viewing all messages, or separate categories i want to see more then a standard 25 messages at once for bulk activities like delete..would like to have option to display 25, 50, 100, or 200 at once on same page...
10 votesHi,
Thank you for writing in and submitting this feature request.
For the time being, we must decline the feature request to have Nimble display more than 25 messages at a time.
At a later date, we may review this feature again, but it is not likely at this time.
We genuinely appreciate your feedback and support!
Best regards,
Gmail folder assignment support
I love the near* seamless integration with Gmail in the system. However I utilize many sub folders to organize my emails and I would love to be able to switch over to using Nimble only, vs keeping both nimble and my email open. As it stands, should i receive invoices as an example I have to open my webmail to assign the email including the invoice to the invoices folder i have set up rather than doing it directly in Nimble.
9 votes -
UserVoice Integration
Integrate with UserVoice so that our customers show up in UserVoice while we're talking with them.
9 votes -
Combine elements of Nirvana GTD task management into the Activities view
Actually, it looks like you are already headed this way... but a combination of the thought behind Nirvana ( and your activities tab would be extremely powerful.
9 votes
- Don't see your idea?