Connect nimble with Meetup, so that I can see who I will know at Meetups / who I knew there and either attend or follow-up.
I'd like to see in advance who I will know at a Meetup, and be able to follow up after a Meetup to ping people I knew / met there and engage them in conversations about it.

Thank you for taking the time to submit this feature request.
At the current moment, we do not have plans to integrate Nimble with Meetup, although that would be a very cool integration to have!
I’m keeping this thread open for voting, but we are declining it because we do not have plans to add this to Nimble in 2013.
Thank you for all of your feedback and support for Nimble!
Best regards,
Mike Schinkel commented
Why have you closed voting on this? As is, we can't even record our interest.
Mike Schinkel commented
I would really benefit from an integration with Meetup where my conversations with people over messages would be beneficial. I am constantly having to transfer communications with people into notes. It is very tedious and time consuming and the idea behind Nimble is that we shouldn't have to spend time doing that kind of thing.
We run a meetup that benefits our business greatly (Meetup is one of the most underrated tools for business, and it would be great if Nimble would recognize it's value by doing an integration.) Nimble integration would add huge value because it would allow us to associate meetup members with a contact record so we can collect their email addresses.
If nothing else people add a MeetupID field so we can capture that and maybe use the API for integration?
Donna commented
I am looking at a CRM software - and this is one of my criteria -- I have not purchased yet. I have a meet up group - that I would love to keep connected with in all ways, to sell to, to market to, to buy from, to interact with. I would think IT needs to be added. Please.? but I can't wait for your answer - I need to pick one over the next few days.
I love this posting idea and flexibility. -
Joe Gigliello commented
Meetups are an integral part of our social network marketing and integration with Nimble will surely make this product a leader in this class.
Tim commented
From a social CRM perspective, this is a very handy feature as it connects a number of relevant interests for a contact to groups where their involvement and messaging can have significant influence.