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92 results found

  1. docusign

    this would be a great add on, having contracts done, with the deals sections.

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  2. Integrate with Opencart

    Automatic user sync would be fantastic! Many CRM platforms that are far less advanced than Nimble have integrations with several popular e-commerce shopping cart platforms. This feature is a must for any growing, efficient business.

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  3. Integrated into a personal website

    I have a website. I would like to have a status update on that website that updates all my social media. If nimble created a front end that I could put on my website, I could do that.

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  4. Allow any email to be attached to any contact

    I often receive emails through other email addresses that I want to associate with my contacts. I definitely do not want to associated/link all of those email accounts with nimble as that would cause a flood of messages in my nimble account. I would, however, like to be able to forward those messages to the email address I am bringing into nimble and then associate that email with a contact. Currently, this isn't possible since the email (a forward) technically comes from me. The other workaround is to copy and paste the email into messages, but that's tedious. I just…

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  5. 2 votes

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  6. Search Capability for Events

    There is a strong needs for search in events. Say you need to reschedule a meeting and cannot remember the date or some other detail on the event. Searching be keywords in subject and notes would be invaluable.

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    We definitely see the value in being able to search for Events. This feature request is under review and once it receives more votes, we will investigate ways of bringing it to fruition.

    For the time being, you can find a list of your Tasks and Events under your Activities tab.


  7. Base Recent Contacts on home screen on interactions, not just which records were opened

    The list of recent contacts on the home screen is only based on which ones we have viewed directly in Nimble. It would be awesome and incredibly useful if this was updated automatically based on our interactions outside of Nimble such as

    Messages sent / received
    Recently created event or task
    Upcoming event or task

    The beauty of Nimble is the ability to gather lots of information about our interactions - why not put this to use and give Nimble the ability to predict what information we need before we even need it?

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    This is a great feature request and we will definitely place it under review.

    We have recently rolled out the “Recently Contacted” feature so we certainly have many enhancements to make. This is a perfect example of how we can use information from interactions to better your CRM experience!

    We look forward to sharing more about this potential feature in the future, thank you for this suggestion!


    -The Nimble Team

  8. report on data fields

    I really need the ability to pull reports weekly/monthly/annually on data fields. For example, I have different custom lead sources set up in my lead fields. I would like to easily be able to report on revenue, deal stage, revenue, etc by lead source.

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  9. Enable Calendar and Task to use hyperlinks in notes.

    I think the above says it all. Enable hyperlinks with in calendar and tasks. I am sure there are other fields or custom fields that this would be handy. Just an example, you make an email a task or event, only because it contains all the detail you need for that activity.

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  10. Integration to Smartrecruiters would be lovely for us recruiters.

    If I can integreate my deals and contacts with Smartrecruiters this would be the only tool I need to do my job. The recruiting/temp market really need an SAAS that automate our workflow. Right now there are noone doing it right.

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  11. Compatability with Google Voice Chrome Extension

    The Google Voice Chrome Extension makes phone numbers clickable so that with a couple of clicks I can call with Google Voice. It works on most websites, but not on yours. I'm guessing the GV javascript runs before you download the number. Maybe you could just wrap all numbers with the GV code, see example:

    <span id="gc-number-0" class="gc-cs-link" title="Call with Google Voice">570-123-4567</span>

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  12. Nimble Daily

    Love the Nimble Daily. But as my task list gets larger, so does the email.
    I would suggest having a simple configuration with check boxes. The ability to choose events only, tasks only, tasks with stars only, or social updates; would be great.

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    We are not currently investigating ways of making our Task notification email updates this specific.

    However, if this feature request receives more votes we will invest more time to bringing it to fruition.

    For now, you can choose to turn these notifications on and off by going to Settings >> Notifications. See screenshot here:

    To read more about this feature, click here:
    What Is the Nimble Daily?-


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