Evernote integration
I suggest you explore various ways to integrate with Evernote. Ability to link notes to contacts and pull them into Nimble would be one way to expand Nimble's CRM mission.
At the current moment, we do not have any specific plans for an integration with Evernote.
Instead, we have added the feature to log notes on contact records in Nimble.
All you will have to do is go to a current contact and select “Log Note” to save a note to a contact record.
For more information, see our announcement here: http://support.nimble.com/customer/portal/articles/666079
Thank you for your continued feedback and support!
-The Nimble Team
Elwood commented
I agree evenote integration make Nimble a much effective tool
Marco Diks commented
Althoug it is nice to log notes, as an big Evertnote Business user i don't like to do the same thing twice. Important information is being log into evernote (and not only notes, but also images, voice recodings, ect) Evernote is the collective memory. a good way would be that when Evernote is connected, i can see my note books and note titles. When selected, a link is added in the Note Log and then the information is availible in Nimble. (Like Podio, Insightly, SalesForce, Pipeline deals etc)
In fact, it is pretty much the same as the dropbox integration.Since Evernote is being used more and more in businesses, i would be a valuable add-on in Nibmle.
Intergration is everything when it comes to cloud services!
Adam Masur commented
Would love to see this as well. I'm an avid Evernote user, and I also use a LiveScribe pen, which means I have both handwritten and typed notes in Evernote. They are all tagged with the names of the people I met and talked with, but Nimble can't get at them.
I tried the "External Webpages" feature in Nimble to launch an Evernote search, which helps a little, but that search doesn't include Evernote Tags. What I really need is to be able to point a Nimble Contact to an Evernote Note. Ideally, multiple Nimble Contacts to the same Evernote Note.
Dan Knowlson commented
Evernote us so goid at whatbit does thst to exclude it seems strange
Nathan Neely commented
I agree. I think that integrating Evernote makes more sense from the end user perspective. And like someone else said Evernote does an excellent job at notes.. Why rebuild the wheel?
Michael P Schnabel commented
If I had a choice, I prefer a link to Evernote instead of working on a Nimble iOS app on my iPhone or iPad. Besides, Evernote is a master at what is does.
ed commented
there is such a feature in Connected http://blog.connectedhq.com/2011/06/09/connected-integrates-with-evernote/
Leah N commented
This could be achieved via open API and Zapier.
John Fulwider commented
I take my meeting notes in Evernote and tag them with the names of contacts at the meeting. Would be nifty for these to be pulled into Nimble automagically.