Expanded Social Feeds (RSS, etc.)
My suggestion to connections the the above list, or have an open connector to add any else you need. It would be nice to track "all" the social info on a contact or company, instead of just the mainstream. The ability to post to the connected groups would be even more effective.

This feature is still under review. Please include information regarding how you would like to shape this feature!
Christine Cavalier commented
Bring in News from major sites. Display in its own tab.If I'm making cold contact with people, I'd like to have ice-breakers. A "Hey, I thought you'd want to see this" news link would be a great way to drop a line to a tertiary contact. I can't be tabbing back and forth between Nimble and a news site. I'd like a way to RSS relevant news feeds into Nimble, with "share" scripts beneath each one. If you want to get fancy, you can write a script that brings in a list of contacts that would find the news item relevant (you can design that with keywords). Another fancy feature: notifications on whether or not my contact has shared the same news item. So, if Nimble wants to be my first stop in the morning and last stop at night, I'd need a relevant news feed and very quick ways to share it.
ed commented
YouTube is #2 in the world
Vkontakte is #8pls, add them
Anonymous commented
especially instagram, rss and tumblr :)
Mike McKenna commented
I would love to see RSS feeds for both people and companies. I would also like to see a consolidated RSS feed on the new Today page so that I can get latest updates on that Page when I log in or if I refresh the page at any time during the day. RSS is not dead, despite the demise of Google Reader.
borismann commented
RSS feeds for people and companies would be great.
Leah N commented
This would be great. I think the API will aid this, right?
RR commented
Crunchbase integration would be great -- display Crunchbase data on a company in the social feed area, as ConnectedHQ does
ken commented
Integrating RSS feeds is critical and simple. Are blogs no longer important part of interacting with our Contacts?
Kevin commented
good call, you should check out mixtent.com for some great ways of using social integration
Gustavo Vasconcelos commented
Not only Blogspot, but WordPress too.