Search Capability for Tasks
Nimble needs the ability to search tasks for keywords in the subject and the notes. This would be invaluable in locating key data on a conversation or project with a customer.

We definitely see the value in being able to search for Task. This feature request is under review and once it receives more votes, we will investigate ways of bringing it to fruition.
For the time being, you can find a list of your Tasks and Events under your Activities tab.
Anonymous commented
+1, please-please! :)
Dennis van der Heijden commented
Yes this would be great since we can search for notes pushed by Mailchimp using Cazoomi and that way find emails that were send in Mailchimp and take the next step in finding the very best leads.
Chris Dack commented
Totally agree, searchable notes is a must :)
Andy commented
+1 for searchable notes!!!