You definitely have all the right Social Sites, need to take, all my Contacts in Google plus and add them to my my facebook friends list
You definitely have all the right Social Sites, need to take, all my Contacts in Google plus and add them to my my facebook friends list; when one clicks on the, "find friends"; option, on facebook, one of the options is to insert a CSV file, you need a CSV conversion setup of some type, that will all for, adding Google Plus Circles, and Gmail contacts, to be converted to facebook friends list, via; CSV file option, in facebook, "find friends", option.

Thank you for submitting this request.
For now, we do not have plans to cross integrate between social networks within nimble for adding friends. Instead, we search across these networks through our Social Profile Match feature to help you locate contacts when they are in Nimble under one network.
Thank you for your feedback and support!
Best regards,