Attach specific emails to deals rather all correspondence with a contact.
This is a dialogue with Garick. See below:
Hi Reece,
I apologize that it's taken a few days to get back to you and I
had wanted to see if I might get a better idea as to when we might be
able to offer such a feature upgrade. It seems that our development
team is quite slammed at the moment and I believe we're focused on
releasing a public API as well as mobile solutions.
I can definitely see your point of needing to have the messages
to be a bit more filtered and refined within the deals tab and would
you possibly submit this as a feature request? It would be great if
the rest of our community might vote on this idea as well.
Also, my contact information is below so feel free to just go
ahead and call me next time you come upon any issues.
Garick Chan
Community Manager | Nimble - Social Relationships, Made Easy.
e: | p: 310.929.5910 | t: @iloveGarick | | s: garicknimble
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Reece Carter wrote:
Ex: I have an associate I do a lot deals with. Rather than seeing ALL of his
emails, I'd like to see only the em's regarding that deal.In the same way that you are asked which platform (email, linkedin, etc) to
use when messaging, a next step seems to be the option to add it to a Deal.R

We do not plan to change how we sync messages to Deals in Nimble at this time.
We are currently focused on other areas of the application, and if this feature receives enough votes, we will reconsider it.
Thank you for your feedback and support.
Best regards,
Josef Reisz commented
This is a real pain also for me. Makes deals totally unusable. It's the basic pre-requisite for an useful and intelligent deal making approach, I think. Love to get this back to the top but it seems to be closed.
Ruth Cheesley commented
I also think this is a massive problem with Nimble. I regularly have multiple deals running with the same customer and there is no way to filter which emails relate to what correspondance. Totally confusing!
Luciano commented
I think this feature do not explote on votes because people do not realise about it when trying nimble
You usually have more that 1 deal with all clients and you need to filter which emails are for each deal and even which emails are not for any deal
I am trying to move from salesforce to Nimble but emails is my top communication system and I do not have any way to filter what emails I assign to each deal it does not works for me(and I think everybody else)
Is a pity because all the other features are excellent but email is everything in communications with Clients -
Kris Nybakken commented
After only putting a few deals into the pipeline, messaging is completely unusable. I am a senior executive, so I am associated with multiple deals. Completely unrelated and unlinked emails between myself and recruiters about talent end up stuffing the messaging in different deals. (?!) Emails about *any* deal between myself and a sales exec ends up populating deals all over.
It's a complete mess without some kind of feature like this. I'd use all 25 of my votes, if I could.