Expanded functionality for Emails in the Messages Tab
Please add more features to email functionality in Nimble.
For example:
- Save draft emails
- Rich text composition
- Saved email templates

I have exciting news to share.
We are about to launch a group message feature with templates and merge tags in the next few days and we would love your feedback.
Reply to this email with “Yes” and we will add you to our list of testers.
Product Marketing Manager | Nimble
Anonymous commented
that would be great
Anonymous commented
I've spent years (literally) researching CRM solutions for small business (the much demanded replacement for Outlook, to address its shortcomings) and Nimble is the only one that I found to tick all of my key requirements. In addition, most of the request for enhancements to email functionality have since been delivered, ... Group emails, html, etc.
We are getting very close ... !! Keep up the good work. -
Anonymous commented
Roy commented
Any update on this topic Joseph?
I think you should divide your users in 2 groups, the one who uses Nimble as crm only. And the one who uses it as there Core program. The last group needs a better messages / mail kind of thing.
For me , i only started using Nimble a few weeks ago, but mail is my thing. I worked with lots of clients in the past years and i think Nimble could easely undergo some changes to satisfy these group of users. I do not know the Bandwith and serverspace this takes offcourse but adding a bit more of functionallity would be great.
1. Different view possibillities
2. Start a deal out of a message
3. Send later options
4. Track where mails go to and where they come from / locations -
Roy Terry commented
Wow. It appears that nimble email will be more a toy than a full time email client. No sorting, no drafts and no templates. Are kidding? This is a loyalty draining stance. I want to work with a company that is on my side.
Jack commented
I think this is really important too. I would love the ability to add a link to the email, and have the other rich text options.
Anonymous commented
I'm not sure how you expect companies to work with email and no draft facilities. This seems a basic function to email. Not sure now if this will work for my team either after spending hours importing information. Absolutely hopeless.
Laura commented
sorry meant to say saved search on fields/custom fields
Laura commented
Definitely need to include drafts, templates, bulk email to group of contacts from tags or saved search.
Anonymous commented
We are evaluating Nimble and Profit. Nimble is easy to use and we like many features. However the evaluation team is leaning toward Profit because of the week email client.
Our problems with the email client:
1. No draft
2. Cannot open emails with pics attached - even a logo attached to the email seems to keep it from opening. -
Jeff Foster commented
VERY ANGRY. What is the point of being able to tag users if you can't message them? This makes no sense. I am mad that I spent close to 50 hours importing and tagging contacts because this feature was available during my trial period but not identified as temporary or beta. I would not have signed up for Nimble had I known that. I have wasted my time. That cost me a fortune in lost family time and lost revenue. I am a dad, a licensed professional, an elected official, a church elder, and a Cubmaster. This is ridiculous to waste my time this way. I would be willing to pay more just to not have to deal with all my other email clients. That was part of the whole point in this exercise for me. Wow, I will now go look for yet another service if this can't be resolved.
Doug Martz commented
frustrated, what is the point of having to use two email clients! i just wrote an email for 20 mins then lost it. I am trying to keep better tabs on customers, so do you expect me to check email elsewhere, then say o i should add this as a new contact, let me open nible. Thats not how things work.
Robert Sharpe commented
Nimble is a great product and personally I *want* to replace my current email client and only use Nimble. Please reconsider this decision.
Nimble is a great product and this seems like a missed opportunity to not build a closer relationship with its users and build the brand loyalty.
Michael Sjoeberg, Human Advisor commented
I really think you should consider adding the email draft/autosave function. Here's the deal:
1) I just wrote an awesome email to a client of mine. But alas, the phone rang before i sent it. Admittedly I noodled around in Nimble (looking for the client who called), not even giving it the slightest thought that my email draft would be gone. Bummer.
2) Everything in Nimble is so automated (which is one fo the reasons I love it), that it seems unlogical for it NOT to save drafts automatically
3) Everybody hates redoing their emails. That's why everybody loves email clients with autosave. Don't let your clients be frustrated with something that many of us consider a standard feature - include it and make sure that all emails are written from within Nimble (and not e.g. Gmail). As I see it, the more a client uses your software, the more attached he becomes.
So to put it short: Nimble is an awesome system, which is why I expect it to save my drafts
Thanks for a great product!
Andrew Zino commented
On the third time of writing an email on Nimble via an ipad, this feature is key ... even if only as a backup.
For your view (as described above) of Nimble being a place to keep a record of contacts and messages between them, nimble also needs to develop better bidirectional sync with contacts as currently need to update manually across the various platforms.
Nimble also needs to (better) manage daughter company relations and one person in various companies be it with same or different e-mail address.
Last but not least, one user should be ale to manage multiple companies or, if the aim is to charge each user/company, then potentially interlink nimble accounts, thus eliminating the need to load/replicate contacts across all my nimble company accounts.
This system of asking clients to vote/suggest alterations and then to have a unilateral decision by Nimble of not to develop customer requests transmits to me a false democracy ... and since I'm not much for time wasting (my time and others) I would like some stronger commitment that these requests will be addressed.
To finish on a positive note, as a social network tool, this beats salesforce!
All the best
Andrew -
Unfortunately, our Product team has decided that this isn't an area of focus for us right now.
I'm sorry because I know many of you do use Nimble as an email client from our conversations with one another, but their findings show that the majority of users don't count on Nimble as their primary email client.
As I said before, this feature can be revisited at a later date, but we do not intend to bring this to Nimble in 2013.
JF Biellmann commented
same here
Anonymous commented
Actually we are pretty much using Nimble as our email client - and just really missing the DRAFT function! would that be to much to ask?
Anonymous commented
This would be a fantastic addition and save me so much time! PLEASE add this