Improve contact import from email (batching, better scraping of info from signatures)
Importing contact info from emails is a nice feature, but currently very limited. In order to make it awesome, it needs the following:
Add an easy way to batch process emails which are not yet attached to contacts. I'd like a screen where I can see all the people I've received emails from or who were CCed on emails who are NOT yet contacts in Nimble, so I can check which ones I want to import.
Try to intelligently scrape information from a contact's signature, such as Full Name, address, phone number, etc. to add to the contact record.

Hi Tim,
This is another great feature suggestion and we are putting it under review. We will share more information in the future when we have more to share.
Best regards,
-The Nimble Team
Anonymous commented
How do you add contacts from email currently? I can't figure it out....
Leah commented
"Try to intelligently scrape information from a contact's signature, such as Full Name, address, phone number, etc. to add to the contact record."
Yes! I'd love to see a screen that pops up (or in a sidebar somewhere) that says: "Nimble detected additional contact information for this person" and you can select what field to put that information in, or to ignore it.