Add tag field(s) to export
I wanted to review the contact offline, or export to third party application and include tag data, but it's not included in the csv -- I imagine it's because there are multiple values for tag so it would be messy; but it would be pretty handy.

Good news! We now include tags in exports from Nimble.
Please note: We only export up to 20 tag columns from Nimble at this time.
Best regards,
Teri Ross commented
THANK YOU!! Does this mean we can export up to 20 tag columns at one time, or that we should limit ourselves to using 20 tags?
adrian commented
This is a joke not having this feature. Isn't tags the corner stone of your CRM package. How on earth is anyone supposed to clean up their list because your software can't tell what's a person or company when importing from social media. Because you don't export the tags there is no way I can clean up my database externally. Your system for dealing with the contact list is archaic.
David Rhodes commented
yes please!
Tatum commented
Please add this feature as I use tags to segment my data and then when I export to csv I cannot see any segmentation!
Anonymous commented
Please do this sooner than later. I have a lot of data to clean up and this feature is crucial to me cleaning my current data and exporting/importing data to my nimble business account.