Social stream brand recognition or mentioning
Have nimble alert me when my name or company name is mentioned online. Have the ability then to import the contact info of the mentioner(s) so I can reach out to them for recognition or for putting out a fire.

Thank you for writing in.
At the current moment, we will not be able to include this feature in Nimble because it is already available through saved Twitter searches.
If you create and save a Twitter search, it will appear in the Social tab in Nimble under Twitter. From here, you will be able to view those that are mentioning you and you can import them into Nimble right away.
In order to display saved searches in Nimble, they must first be created on Twitter.
To create a saved search on Twitter, type a search into Twitter such as “#nimble” or “@nimble” (replace “nimble” with your company name or conversation of choice).
Next, run the search and select the cog to save your search. (
Once this search is saved, it will appear on the left-hand side of the Social tab in Nimble. (
The best part about this feature is that it allows you to follow and import contacts into Nimble directly from the Social tab. Just click on the Tweet and you will see the option to import and follow on the right-hand side (
Also, in our Nimble Daily email, we mention when users on Twitter or Facebook mention you or like you.
We would love to look into more direct ways to let you know who is mentioning your brand in an automated way and we will look into it. In the meantime, please take advantage of these features that we already have in Nimble!
Thank you for your feedback and support!
Best regards,
Justin Thomas commented
I like the concept but would really like to be able to monitor references to my customer's name, hashtag, twittername, etc. For many sales focussed people this kind of information is a good way of spotting potential new business within our contact base.