full wysiwyg editor
I noticed that while we can do bolden etc, there is a lack of editing capabilities for those that aren't fluent in HTML within messages as well as the Signature input for Nimble. Im sure that we can benefit form the full text editor in all areas - including hyperlinks, bulletpoints and many of the other provided functions would be extremely helpful.
Thank you!

At this time, we don’t plan on building a text editor into Nimble that shows wsiwyg. I recommend using a free tool like htmledit.squarefree.com to check on code and the resources at www.w3schools.com. Simple HTML is not too difficult with a little bit of practice. I’m not an expert at all, and I’m able to get by.
Anonymous commented
Exactly, while I know Nimble doesnt aim on taking over as our mail client we do enjoy the functionality of being able to on the go reply to customers while using nimble. I essentially have the system open 24/7 and use it to handle much of my client relations. Something as simple and basic as a wysiwyg editor is key for hyperlinking and whatnot. For a system as advanced as Nimble, I'd expect no less.
Anonymous commented
I can fake bullets and numbered lists, but come on guys, don't make my customers copy a URL and paste it into their browser. We need to be able to create hyperlinks! Thanks.