Add Ability to Manually Update "Last Contacted'
Currently, "Last Contacted" is only updated through communications via email or social network. Not all conversations happen through these mediums, therefore, users should be able to manually update "Recently Contacted" and leave a note for the method of contact (call, in-person, etc).

The last contacted date can now be updated with calls, events, or any custom activity created.
Stephen Dyson commented
WOW!!! - I can't believe that Nimble does not automatically record telephone calls like it does with email and social media. Don’t you people at Nimble ever talk to each other or the outside world? Every single deal I have ever done requires me to talk with people so I cannot understand the logic of not treating this function as important as other channels such as email and social media. I’m glad I spotted this on day 1 of my trial --- sorry guys I’m otta here I’ve got calls to make. I'm gonna delete this account in 48hrs if Nimble can't do this simple task
Anonymous commented
The last contacted field should be updated any any form of contact, not just email. I manually log touches, phone calls etc all the time, but am continually frustrated this field isn't updated. It is critical to monitor the time between contact! This has got to be an easy fix?
Kejia Tang commented
Nimble already allows us to manually "log touch" - it's strange that this doesn't automatically update the last contacted field. This seems like a really simple thing to do.
Anonymous commented
When calling with the "dailer" the call should register as a "contact" for the contact - right now only the email or social media is counting as having contacted someone. There needs to be a function to record a manual call - if you review Maximizer 97 call functionality and mimic that you'll have something that works
Al commented
Since Nimble doesn't monitor every conceivable way you can touch a contact, it is imperative that there be a way to manually update the touch date. I send postcards, text messages, make phone calls, send FB links, etc.,
pb commented
This is fundamental, essential and surprising that it has not been a feature for so long. Nimble has made one too many assumptions about contact channels. To only have an automatic update (and to not have released a simple update to this by now) is a point of failure for users. Currently trialling and this would be a deal-breaker for us. Aside from this missing feature it really is a great product fit.
Nathaniel commented
We're evaluating Nimble and I was looking everywhere to specify that I'd called someone - we find my most deals need phone calls to get anywhere. I need to see the last contacted date update if we've phoned them
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
I am testing Nimble this week with the free 14 day trial but the fact you can't do this is a MAJOR issue for me - I may have to find a different solution!
Luke Avedon commented
Please please add this feature. Would love to manually be able to update last contacted. Thank you!!
Ron Ledford commented
I will leave nimble over lacking this minor feature. I think it would be cool if this field was updated when logging a last touch. Frankly I was miffed when I realized it did not.
- commented
How do I log a manual phone call please? Without this, I can't rely on the Last Contacted field being correct.
Luis A. commented
Please add this if you want me to purchase this program.
Jeremy McMillan commented
STILL UNDER REVIEW???... I need this NOW. Nimble could be great but it, at this point, is like a 4th of July firecracker... it has bang and flash... but no long term foundation. It's missing too much to be a stand alone CRM. It won't take long for a real CRM to come up with the logarithms to pull date from social media feeds to meet criteria... who knows... maybe there is one... I guess it's time to start looking.
Diego Saavedra commented
+ 1
Diego Saavedra commented
+ 1
Brett Circe commented
Kaw Yin Yan Yin commented
Michel commented
Im also looking for this feature, please add it.
Anonymous commented
Any word here? This feature needs to be added ASAP.