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413 results found

  1. When entering new contact info, automatically read a zip-code and fill in the city and state.

    when entering in new contacts, we should be able to type in the zipcode and have the system complete the city and state.

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  2. contact notes

    Notes on Contacts doesn't refresh fast enough. I just added a note and can't find it anywhere.

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  3. Need an Easy Way to Add Google Contacts

    Really we do. The current synching of Nimble with my Google account brings in 13,000 contacts, which is 11,000 more than I have. Where the extra 11,000 are coming from i have no idea, but something's obviously severely screwed up with this process.

    If i try an alternative and use the Google Contacts option I have to individually remap over 100 fields. Not going happen.

    Surely there must be a easy and simple way to get my Google contacts into Nimble? Other CRM's manage to do it, why can't Nimble do it?

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  4. add spouse option in contact info

    I utilize CRM mainly for individuals and households. It would be useful for me to be able to add spouse info such as name, email, phone, birthdate.

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  5. Support Call Blocking & Identification on iOS

    Integrate the iOS app with Call Blocking & Identification so when a contact in the CRM calls (and their number is in the CRM and not in your phone contacts) their Name etc displays not just their number.

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  6. Automatically fetch company logo from company website

    Can it be made possible to auto-fetch a company logo from a company website. In 9 out 10 instances the company logo can be found in the same place on a website. As a user I enter the company website, so it will be highly likely that Nimble can auto-detect the correct company logo. The gray company icons look really boring at the moment, but finding logo's by yourself takes ages.

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  7. Add images to the client - log events. For now I am just linking to images I have to fist store on my server.

    Right now the only thing I can add to log events (as far as I can tell) are words. I would love to be able to drag and drop or upload images that show up on our client notes / log events.

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    Thank you for submitting this feature request.

    At this moment, we do not have plans to have the ability to add images to events that are logged in Nimble.

    If this request gains enough votes, we may revisit it in the future, but it is not on our backlog of features to add to Nimble for now.

    Thank you for your feedback and support!

  8. Allow contacts linked to an event be actioned from a contact search by tag where the tag is the event name

    You can add a contact to an event, but are unable to action a list of contacts who are linked to the event. I.e. I want to export to Mailchimp the list of contacts who have registered for an event manually.

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  9. Improve ease of contacting someone with fewer clicks

    The send-message drop down in the contact bar next to Edit, Add Activity, etc. on a Contact's page, should instead be a Send icon (or small text) with the icons of GMail, FB, Twitter, etc. on it. This way, I can send a message with one click instead of two. Also, I should be able to have the same option to contact someone in the search results without going to their contact page first. That's another click saved. And if you had auto-complete in the search, with their name as well as a Message... or Action... link in the dropdown,…

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    We are going to stick with the drop-down menu for sending messages across multiple networks for now. Our main reasoning is that we want to reduce the number of buttons from the menu on contact records.

    Thank you for your feedback and support.

    Best regards,


  10. Have the Nimble Twitter field accept usernames as just the username AND @username AND

    Have the Nimble Twitter field accept usernames as just the username AND @username AND and ideally even the Twitter URL!/growmap if that is possible. (May not be with the #! in it.)

    The reason is that it speeds up our using Nimble because can copy/paste from any source if it did not give validation errors for the full URL - even the clearn full URL.

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  11. Find a way to import "2nd degree" contacts from Linkedin or Facebook.

    Not sure if it is so simple but it would be very powerful in prospecting - especially if you know who they are mutually connected by.

    If for example, Ms. X is connected to 2-3 "customers" (probably people with similar interests/profiling) then it is a shortcut to assume Ms. X has potential - worth calling her to find out!!

    This will be massive in recruitment cold calling. i.e. headhunting. Star players usually hang with star players.

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    Hi Murray,

    Thank you for writing in.

    Unfortunately, we’re not able to access 2nd degree contacts from LinkedIn or Facebook’s API, therefore we must decline this feature request.

    In all honesty, we would love to have this feature in Nimble as well, it would make it much more powerful and if it is allowed in the future, we will likely revisit this feature.

    Best regards,


  12. Search Results: Add "View More" option (or add Next/Prev to top of page)

    In the contacts search results, it's difficult to move quickly through contacts. Few results means I have to scroll to the bottom to see Next/Previous. Please either allow me to see more results per page (50, 100) or at least add Next/Previous to the top.

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  13. Google Contact Sync (Without PieSync)

    Why go to a 3rd party for the syncing? We already have two parties to deal with... Google and Nimble. Adding more complication to the list with PieSync, IMHO. Syncing should be done straight through Nimble without the hassle.


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  14. Automatically handle Twitter shortened URLs

    Creating contacts from Twitter Followers brings in the Twitter shortened URL (e.g. ) for their web addresses.

    The import process should auto-map the shortened URLs to their real equivalents, and you should provide a button to do this on the contacts Edit Form.

    We have thousands of followers, so doing it manually is going to be a right pain!

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  15. Nimble Widget for Internet Explorer

    I know that Chrome surpassed IE in browser usage, but IE is still used by more people than Firefox, see article below. Please port your excellent widget to IE 11, doesn't have to be Edge. Chrome doesn't respond to touch as intuitively on a Microsoft Surface as IE does. It pains me to use Chrome. I think that 30.8% compared to 31.9% warrants your attention. Thank you for considering.

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    Hi Jeff,

    While there are still people using IE, we do not have plans to add the Smart Contacts App because it is an outdated browser.

    Edge doesn’t support extensions yet, but we will likely add it there when they release their marketplace.

    For now, we recommend using Firefox, Safari, or Chrome for our Smart Contacts App.

    Thank you,


  16. Show contact address on main page of that contact

    Once clicked on a contact, their address doesn't show anywhere on the main page. I have to click on their company link to get the address, that takes too much time.

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  17. Automatically create unique Tag based on Wufoo form response

    Wufoo forms can be used to collect information from multiple choice, radio button, and drop down fields. I am using it to allow respondents in indicate their area of interest. I would like to be able to use that response as a tag thereby being able to search through my contacts by subject on interest. Nimble now only allows you to assign a single tag to all contacts coming in from the same form and can only populate a limited number of fields from Wufoo's form. When a respondent makes a selection to identify themselves to my company it would…

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  18. Add an additional identifier for mobile numbers to include carrier.

    Add an additional identifier for mobile numbers to include carrier.

    There are some features that knowing this would be helpful.
    ie. mobile to mobile calls are typically free with same carrier.

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  19. Please increase the ways to filter data in the advance search fields.

    Please include the ability to filter the tags the same way you can filter a contact's company or address. (is, is not etc)

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  20. Allow cc'd contacts in email to be imported easily

    Most, if not all, referral leads I get from clients are done through an intro email where referral lead is cc'd on that email. Unfortunately, it seems that Nimble does not have that feature making it a manual job to add the contact. Just something small that would make life easier.

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