Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
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5 results found
View Social Stream by Tag
Often it makes sense to ask "What are these group of people thinking about today?
I'm wondering if there's a way to view the social stream for contacts with a particular tag, avoiding the needlessly tedious task of going into the social stream for each contact individually.
!104 votesHi,
We are placing this request under review.
For now, you can save searches and view your Signals by saved searches.
This means that you can create a saved search based on a specific tag you want to monitor and we will surface that information for you based on your engagements.
We will review ways we can improve this feature and update this thread when we have more information to share.
Thank you for your feedback and support!
Social stream brand recognition or mentioning
Have nimble alert me when my name or company name is mentioned online. Have the ability then to import the contact info of the mentioner(s) so I can reach out to them for recognition or for putting out a fire.
60 votesHi,
Thank you for writing in.
At the current moment, we will not be able to include this feature in Nimble because it is already available through saved Twitter searches.
If you create and save a Twitter search, it will appear in the Social tab in Nimble under Twitter. From here, you will be able to view those that are mentioning you and you can import them into Nimble right away.
In order to display saved searches in Nimble, they must first be created on Twitter.
To create a saved search on Twitter, type a search into Twitter such as “#nimble” or “@nimble” (replace “nimble” with your company name or conversation of choice).
Next, run the search and select the cog to save your search. (
Once this search is saved, it will appear on the left-hand side of the Social tab in Nimble. (
Expanded Social Feeds (RSS, etc.)
My suggestion to connections the the above list, or have an open connector to add any else you need. It would be nice to track "all" the social info on a contact or company, instead of just the mainstream. The ability to post to the connected groups would be even more effective.
55 votesHi,
This feature is still under review. Please include information regarding how you would like to shape this feature!
Add YouTube as a network in the settings area and as a network for contacts
As someone who is deeply into the Google scene I would like to have YouTube as a network in the settings area. Of course looking up YouTube as a social networking account for my contacts would be desired.
23 votesWe definitely understand the value of having Youtube as a social network within Nimble.
When this request receive more votes, we will investigate the possibility of bringing this feature to fruition.
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?