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1417 results found

  1. Allow bulk importing of contacts from the Messages tab

    I'm a journalist and get at least 20 pitches a day via email. I would like to add these contacts to my nimble account, but doing it one by one takes a lot of time. My idea is to allow bulk importing of email contacts that are received in the messages tab.

    It would look like this:
    1. messages > email
    2. Select a number of contacts
    3. Click on [new feature] import contact(s)

    Presently, you can only important 1 contact at a time. This new feature would increase the number of contacts that can be stored and filed within…

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  2. More feature rich mobile app

    When do you plan to release a more feature rich mobile app where I can at least add a contact?

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  3. See activity tags assigned to everyone

    I like that you can assign tags to activities but I would like the ability to see a view that shows all the activities that have a certain tag regardless of who the activity was assigned to.

    Right now, I have to go through each team member to see which activities have a specific tag.

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  4. admin rights vs user rights to view and edit contacts

    I'd love to get Nimble to my team but we need:

    1) Ability for the owner or account owner to see all the contacts
    2) Ability for each user to see and work with their own contacts only

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  5. Stay in Touch: only display contacts that needs to be contacted

    I would prefer to see in the Stay in Touch list only the contacts that I am late to stay in touch with.

    I prefer not to see the full list of all other contacts which are not to be stayed in touch now.

    what do you think?

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  6. archiving or deleting signals

    I would like to be able to archive or delete signals in the future.

    I desire to have a clean page for signals.

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  7. Add Angellist url field company profile in nimble

    I'd like to include Angellist URL for the social profile on each company profile. Its been added for individual contacts so I was hoping that having this ability for tracking companies Angellist profile is possible as well.

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  8. add cases tab

    similar to deals but without a monetary figure attached
    some of us "operational people" need a way to to associate/link contacts and companies to a project/case. please let me know if you can help

    Thank you

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  9. Fanpage Contacts

    Please let me know when Your Fans can become Contacts. Until then I cannot really give much use to what seems a promising app. Thanks!

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  10. Under the Nimble activities tab, link Facebook events and Google tasks.

    Under the Nimble activities tab, link Facebook events and Google tasks.

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  11. We have an ordinary website designed in Adobe Muse, here we would like to transfer general contact information from one form to Nimble. (Fi

    We have an ordinary website designed in Adobe Muse, here we would like to transfer general contact information from one form to Nimble.

    Just normal elements like: First name, last name, address, zip, country, phone, mobile, email and, for example, 2 x attachment.

    Have Nimble not a form we can use? If not can you not make one? (It’s quit simple if you know how to do and do have the codes).

    The many proposals in the support her; with your business friends either cost 10-35 USD per month, and now we've seen them all over and those that are…

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  12. Custom tags from the Rapportive rapplet

    When 'importing' a contact via the Rapportive rapplet, the contact is automatically tagged 'rapportive'. However, this gets confusing when multiple people use the rapplet, as we can't tell who originally imported the contact.

    Please allow for customer 'rapportive' tags on import, in the same way that you do for other imports. e.g., if I 'import' someone, the tag should read 'rapportive - Gene D.' or something to that effect.

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  13. search for followers in Nimble


    It would be nice to be able to search for followers in the Signals tab.

    After searching, I will add them as "Contacts".

    Currently, it is only possible to search once the contact is created in Nimble so for instance I have to check the new followers one by one to know if they have in their twitter title "Designer".

    I think that it would be much better to be able to search the followers to quickly add them as contact in Nimble.

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  14. Signals - Overdue stay in touch

    Signals should have a filter to for those contact which are overdue stay in touch for easy facilitation of prompts e.g. they tweet or have a new connection etc.

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  15. Option to skip 'Stay in Touch' notices

    It'd be cool to have a skip button for the 'Stay in Touch' list.

    Sometimes if I do some real-world networking I don't always want to network online too.

    A skip button should just mute the message until the next time it falls due.

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  16. Link Contacts - Husband & Wife, Business Partners, Etc.

    It would be great to link related contacts. For instance, if I close a deal with a husand and wife, I want to follow-up with both but also want to know who they are connected with. Also If I close a deal with a brother and sister or any other type of contact, I should be able to easily see if they are related to someone else in my contacts so I can ask about that person when I'm following up.

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  17. to be able to assign "lead type" category labels to groups of similar contacts all at once

    I'd like to be able to quickly gather up a group of contacts that are all the same lead type (current sellers or past clients for example) and then assign the appropriate lead type label all at once to all of those contacts - think of Contactually's "bucket game"

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  18. Visibility of contacts and interaction in Facebook Groups

    Most of my interactions with people happens within Facebook Groups, rather than my own profile page or a group that I started. It would be great to see my groups, group contacts, and group interactions within nimble.

    Personally, I am far more active with my fellow Group members than I am with any of my direct twitter members.

    At the very least, this should be available for group admins, just like FB Pages, if not for all group members.

    Thanks for such a great system!

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  19. Allow find/delete companies without any contacts

    We need to be able to search for companies that don't have any contacts, and then be able to mass delete those companies. Right now we can't do it, but we're paying for those contact records because they take up space in our account.

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  20. Add an email address ping service that lets you know if the contact's email is valid

    The ability for Nimble to automatically check my contact's email/s through a ping process. This service exist today but it requires you to do them one at a time or by exporting your list and importing it and then manually going to each contact to delete the email addresses that are bad.

    Placing a warning indicator next to the email address and having somewhere on the dashboard that shows the number of bad email address would be great. You could click that and bring up the list of the contacts that have a bad address.

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