Glenn Shuck
My feedback
2 results found
192 votes
Thank you for writing in.
We have placed this feature request “Under Review” and we will update the status at a later date when we have made a decision whether to move forward or not.
Thank you for your continuing feedback and support for Nimble!
Best regards,
Glenn Shuck supported this idea ·
58 votes
The option of having mail merge in Nimble is definitely a great idea.
But for now, this feature request does not have enough votes to warrant review by our Product team, so I must decline it for now.
We will continue to monitor this feature request and we will place it under review if it reaches 70 votes.
As of right now, there are some features that have more votes that we would like to address.
I also recommend taking a look at some of our email marketing integrations on the Nimble Apps Marketplace
Thank you for your feedback and support!
Glenn Shuck supported this idea ·