My feedback
2 results found
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment jthomaskay commented
Social Media: Are we going to be able to look at social media accounts inside the app or do we have to link to each social property for each contact?
An error occurred while saving the comment jthomaskay commented
On a positive note, I like the cleanliness of the layout. Easy to read and get around. I would to have the front page setup like we do on the desktop version. This is how I found out about this page. I'm very excited about this app. I am also getting a Galaxy Tablet Note 12.2 and I can't wait to use Nimble there as well. But the dominant use will come from my Note 4. In Feb of this year, Money Mag had an article that had Mobile devices at 55% of all internet usage in the US. 47% of that was app usage! Another Pew article noted that 42% of American adults own a tablet. I had no idea it was that high. Great start on the app!
An error occurred while saving the comment jthomaskay commented
Wishlist: Would like a way to be able to take pictures with camera and then assign to contacts. This comes in handy for knowing the important people around each contact as well as other. I have a Samsung Note and I often take pictures of things for clients. It could be job site related or potential gifts for clients that I want to run by someone. Having this in the history would be very helpful.
An error occurred while saving the comment jthomaskay commented
In the menu, it has my name at the top next to the LOGOUT button. If I click on me, it goes to one of my contacts.
An error occurred while saving the comment jthomaskay commented
Jon, thanks for setting this up. I will keep issues to one per comment.
Something triggers the app to lose all information. No matter where I go, it reads "This tab has no data."
192 votes
Thank you for writing in.
We have placed this feature request “Under Review” and we will update the status at a later date when we have made a decision whether to move forward or not.
Thank you for your continuing feedback and support for Nimble!
Best regards,
jthomaskay supported this idea ·
Woke up this morning thinking about a contact. Went to the Nimble app. There doesn't seem to a way to contact the contact from the app. Need that. I guess I could just go to my contacts and contact them, but that constantly throws me out of the app. I know that you have stated before that Nimble is not supposed to take over Gmail as a way to contact people. I get that, but I think you undervalue that need for us to contact people regularly via email or via social media. So, as it stands now, if we want to contact anyone by email or social media, we have to do that outside of your app. My wood shedding thought would be that you would rather me stay in the app as long as I possibly can. My #1 need from Nimble is that I keep in contact with people and have a history of it so I can nurture each relationship in a more personal way. This means I need to be able to quickly access history and associated tasks, etc, even when I am surprised by a phone call by any of my contacts.
Also, I crashed the app again. Not sure how as one is never paying attention to current steps when thinking more about the contact rather than the app.