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  3. Email Group,Tags,Stay In Touch

    Email Group,Tags,Stay In Touch

    should be able to send out mass email like a GROUP,TAG and the best thing would be to send email to all contacts from Stay In Touch category (like all Stay In Touch from stay in touch WEEKLY,etc)


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  4. Fetch mail faster so we can use Nimble for all email interactions.

    By allowing us to fetch mail in 1 minute intervals it would enable us to do all of our communications in Nimble instead of switching back and forth with gmail. This will enhance efficiency.

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  5. save customer emails when a salesperson leaves

    When a salesperson leaves, all the emails that they synced from their Gmail disappear from the contact history.

    Given you are able to 'see' these items while the salesperson is live, why not import that data and save it to the contact's history permanently. Come on Jon - Even Goldmine used to do that.

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  6. make it so we can email those we have "tagged" in a certain group(s)

    Why have a tag feature if it's just to see the list?

    I would like to be able (in my case, for instance) to email Fabricators in Los Angeles. I have a "fabricators' tag, a "New York" tag and a "LA" tag, some of my messaging only is relevant to a portion or coast.

    I'm sure I;m not the first to ask, but this would really convince me to stick with Nimble.

    Thanks! I know it can't be easy pleasing all of the people all of the time!

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  8. that you speed up the email buffering. We we wil switch to on other crm if the current problems dont resolve

    that you speed up the email buffering. We we wil switch to on other crm if the current problems dont resolve

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  9. Should fix the emails section


    I noticed if i got a contact from nimble and send an email to that user it wouldnt send. I would need to remove the name and just have the email in.

    Also i noticed the sent box doesnt update that great.

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  10. Reset Email "From" Box When Email Address is Updated


    I setup a template and went to use it when I found out that Nimble was emailing from my gmail account (that is what I signed up with). I went and reset my default email address, but the "from" address is stuck at gmail. I can't add mailchimp or server email options, and emailing biz stuff from gmail won't work. What is the workaround for this please. I can't use the emailing service til its fixed :(



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  11. Automatically log a touch when sending a message

    It would be great to have the system automatically log a touch with a contact when you send a message. Maybe have a checkbox to allow it to be logged or something.


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  12. Display entire (all lines of) Twitter Direct Messages rather than the first line of text.

    Only the the first line of text of Twitter direct messages is displayed in the Messages tab and when I open the message, which forces me to leave Nimble and go to Twitter to find the message.

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  13. Emails NOT WORKING AT ALL! Emails from nimble showing " email sent" flyover, but NO ACTUAL EMAIL SENT!

    "Email Sent" flyover coming up in Nimble,, but NOT showing in sent emails in nimble and when I go and look at my actual corresponding gmail, there have been NO emails sent since june 8th, this is a HUGE PROBLEM!!!!!

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  14. problem with group emails from a tag

    if i select an email from a contact and i can select which email i use but when i select a tag group and then want to sent a group email it only presents my google email. not the one i se as my primary one.
    can you not offer the same choice of emails when sending a group email, the look up table is there but only one email appears. Thanks
    Peter sturrock

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  15. provide a way to re-order email templates

    I have a list of email templates, but the ones I created first are not the ones I use the most. I would like to be able to re-order this list so that my most-used templates show up on top.

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  16. Make email open notifications work with Google Inbox

    Make email open notifications work with Google Inbox

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  17. Complete marketing automation for segments

    You guys are probably working on this already. I'm looking for a complete email marketing and automation for different segmented contacts. Despite the great group messaging tracking. Everything in the process of engaging with your contacts is still very manual. You have to check everyday to see if an email is working rather than a campaign dashboard.

    Having that option to have a sequence of emails while managing relationships through the platform would be great.

    I'd pay more for that

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  18. Make the Group Message typing/composing area larger or expandable. It's hard to see what you're typing.

    Make the Group Message typing/composing area larger or expandable. It's hard to see what you're typing.

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  19. Change spam classifications for

    My email hasn't gone through! And I couldn't reply to the intercom bubble message in my account.

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  20. Mass mail: 6 and 18 months for follow-up and time for sending

    Is it in the follow-up function, under the email messages, possible to have 6 and 18 months for follow-up?
    And is it feasible to have a function (date and time) when the mass emails are to be sent? Like; If I'm Denmark, want to send out an email arriving let's say Monday morning 9,05 am in Singapore, is this possible? (The time for arrival is particularly important for getting a higher level of people opening/reading the email!)

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