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134 results found

  1. Make it possible to rearrange the order of Email Templates (probably using drag and drop)

    I want to be able to put the most used message/email templates at the top of the dropdown list

    So want Nimble to have the functionality where can rearrange the order of Email Templates, probably using drag and drop or similar.

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  2. Allow messages to create calendar events or tasks

    Often, messages contain requests for responses. To increase effectiveness, you should offer a send option, "Send & Schedule"
    This will allow the user to more effectively track activity and project progress. This is especially important to consulting sales and service contracts.

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  3. 3 votes

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  4. add inbox zero tools

    Take a page from handle, the email game, or mailbox and add simple productivity functionality to blaze through the inbox.

    This is standing between me being able to live inside of nimble and having to leave for most messaging -- particularly that initial onte at the beginning of the day.

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  5. It would be nice to update contact information while in inbox view.

    It would be great to update contact information for a contact in right window while looking at messages. Much harder to copy and past contact numbers from messages back to the edit window of the contact.

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  6. Let users know notes will not be sent to contacts in events

    When setting up an event, just put a line of text that says notes/email will not be sent to this contact. I had to do a lot of searching and testing to be sure this wasn't happening.

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  7. Add more batching features to Messages

    We need to be able to quickly let the entire team in on conversations we're having and currently we have to open the email in messages and do this one-by-one by clicking the padlock icon. If we were able to select a batch of emails and a padlock shows up next to the two icons currently there that seems ideal.

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  8. Hyperlink Images in Emails

    Can we please add the ability to hyperlink images in emails (especially group emails)?

    This would be really helpful with click throughs and email engagement.


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  9. Save emails to Nimble that aren't synced

    Our team store their emails in folders, but occasionally want to save specific conversations to Nimble for the rest of the team to have access to.
    Can there be a function to select an email in Outlook and "copy" it across to Nimble so it is stored there even when moved to an Outlook folder?

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  10. Show me what people are responding to. Twitter has threading built in. Hootsuite has threading. Why is there not threading?

    At present, when I open a message I have no idea what I said to that person. There is no threading. If they're already a contact, I can click four times to find what was said before. If they're not already a contact, I can scroll back on Hootsuite, hoping that I'll find the message that they're responding to.

    Without threading, conversations are difficult, if not impossible. Please add/support threading in the messages view.

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  11. Allow bulk importing of contacts from the Messages tab

    I'm a journalist and get at least 20 pitches a day via email. I would like to add these contacts to my nimble account, but doing it one by one takes a lot of time. My idea is to allow bulk importing of email contacts that are received in the messages tab.

    It would look like this:
    1. messages > email
    2. Select a number of contacts
    3. Click on [new feature] import contact(s)

    Presently, you can only important 1 contact at a time. This new feature would increase the number of contacts that can be stored and filed within…

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  12. Move message back from Trash to Inbox

    Give option to move message(s) back to inbox after accidental deletion. I just accidentally deleted an important email message, but I can't bring it back to my inbox.

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  13. make it so emails auto save and don't diapperar so easily - or allow drafts.

    How annoying, I've lost too many emails due to the sensitive nature of the communication program and I can't save a draft??

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  14. Mass mail

    Today we can only email to 30 people, what about to get the possibility to mail to many more people, and also get the ability to place attachment.
    (I know the answer is "no" as many things are, but I would like to see what the users think) the external possibilities is again one more expenses, and this is after all a CRM system.

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    Hi Christian,

    Thank you for writing in today.

    Unfortunately, we don’t intend to turn Nimble into a program that can support mass email to large email lists because we send messages over users’ connected emails, and this is a different sending protocol than what’s used by companies like MailChimp.

    We also don’t see it as a strategic area of importance for Nimble right now, as we’re focused more on your personal business relationships.

    Either way, I appreciate your enthusiasm for Nimble, and hopefully, we’re providing added value for your business.



  15. Lift the limit on group emails.

    Can we make the number of recipients in a group email from 100 to unlimited?
    I lost a client that couldn't effectively launch a marketing campaign and when back to sendinblue. His subscriber list is over 40k and sending group email template to 100 people at a time was not reasonable. Thanks for your time.

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  16. Email Tracking Consistency?

    Using the Gmail plugin, I can track when an individual message has been opened, but when I send an email from inside Nimble, that option is not present... only for bulk messaging. Why is this? I hate having to jump to Gmail just so I can track whether the message has been opened or not.

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  17. support larger than 10mb attachments with emails.

    I'd like to be able to attach larger files to emails.

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  18. Highrise BBC mail function

    If you send an normal email to a client and then place a special email in the mail (you get from Highrise) out in BCC the email will be put into the right place in the system, on this way you can use you own email program. Highrise find the "to field email" and secure the mail stored under the right account in your CRM. Perhaps this is a good idea?
    You actually get 5 different mails you can use in BCC one of them also book a reminder in the system 1 week after, another 2 weeks after like…

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  19. Please include ability to log Calls.

    Not just a Note, but something in the thread with Messages, updating Last Contacted.

    How can a CRM not have this? One should be able to see a chronological tracking of communications.


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  20. get live chat.!!

    It's difficult to get up and running quickly with 3 hour response times. Yikes!!!

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