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202 results found

  1. Recent Activity Feed (for all users0

    Allow users to see recent Activities in a feed. The current feature does not allow us to see what Other Users have done. I'm only interested in Notes and Tasks (viewed is not really of interest). Would like to see by individual user and for All as well. Thank you!

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  2. 1 vote

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  4. Retroactive dating

    I've seen this with other users. When entering new activities you should be able to adjust the date manually. I am entering activity that has been completed over the past few days. The date defaults to the day you click 'complete' not the actual date the activity occurs. Screws up the timeline. Help!

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  5. Use the task action icon to show its status (incomplete / completed)

    If one is used to a traditional task list where tasks can be checked off or unchecked, then the checkmark icon beside ALL tasks is kind of confusing. I'm a pretty visual person and would like if the icon told me right away which tasks still need attention. Perhaps use a red icon, or perhaps show an empty checkbox for incomplete tasks... I'm sure your graphic designers can come up with something :)

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  6. put contact name in task so it is easy to figure out who to contact.

    contact name should be included in activity for calender. I have to type it in on the TASK.

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  7. Task Check Mark Based on Status

    When looking at the Pending and History tab, all my task check marks are blue. The one due yesterday is blue, the one due later today is blue. Even the completed one is blue... They need different colors so I know what's been completed, what is still due, and what is late. Thanks.

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  8. Keep Tasks as One Field in the Android App

    In the Android app, when I create a task, I have to give it a title and description. Online, a task is one field, like an item on a task list or check-list. I don't need 2 fields, and even if you make 2 fields available, don't require both.

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  9. Enable color-coding nimble calendar events

    Sorry, but this is a basic function of any half-decent calendar these days. I NEED to be able to look at my calendar and instantly at a glance see the types of events I have scheduled (seminar, client-call, family event, etc.) for the day, week, or month. Color coding makes this possible. As a substitute for Nimble's lack of functionality here, I've been using Google Calendars. The problem is that Google Calendars can take hours to sync to Nimble's calendar, meaning I can't rely on the Nimble calendar! Are you planning on addressing this issue around color-coding, and if so,…

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  10. Enable editing/moving of calendar event entries within Nimble

    Once I add a calendar event in NImble, I can't edit it or move it without going into Google calendars. Although this is done automatically, the problem is that any change I make to the entry in Google Calendar could take two or more hours to sync back to Nimble! So that means I really can't rely on the NImble calendar, I have to keep looking at Google calendar. I would love to stay within Nimble as much as possible but things like this require too much jumping around, slowing down my workflow.

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  11. When placing a call from inside the iPhone app, note in the contact that a call was made. If texting, capture text message.

    My company is small, and we are all on cell phones. We call and text to clients quite a bit, and this would be a valuable data point to capture.

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  12. Consider adding a "Trello" board view for Daily Tasks/Activities (with drag and drop functionality like Deals)

    Trello is a very popular Task Management solution and why not integrate something similar with your software to make it even better. I know a lot of people that actually use Trello for their daily task management and most of the time those tasks are associated with customer contacts or in my industry recruiting candidates and the tasks associated with their pipeline status.

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  13. Nimbles appointment reminder system is completely incorrect! Please advise.

    Nimbles appointment reminder system is completely incorrect! Please advise.

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  14. Eliminate auto save when entering a carriage return during the Log Touch process.

    Currently Whenever the "Enter" key is pressed, the entry is auto saved and I have to go into the entry, select edit and then continue my comments.

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  15. Sync with iCloud Calendar / iOS Calendar / Mac Calendar

    I keep most of my calendar events in iCloud for Mac and iOS. Would prefer not to migrate to Google Calendar just for Nimble's sake.

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  16. Add same activity to multiple deals

    We'd like to be able to add the same activity in one go to all deals at a particular stage, rather than entering the same task multiple times, or only having one task that is unrelated to a specific deal.

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  17. log calls through mobile apps, e.g. iPhone app

    Since the mobile app has a button to call someone, it would be nice if using that button were logged as an activity.

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  18. Can you please have "Log a Touch" show up as a completed activity allowing us to log a call without having to schedule an activity.

    Can you please have "Log a Touch" show up as a completed activity? This will allow us to use the "Stay in Touch" feature better and we won't have to "schedule" an activity for it to show up on our completed activities for the day.

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  19. Is there a way to do a search,and/or create a report of completed tasks each day with outcome notes?

    Is there a way to do a search,and/or create a report of completed tasks each day with outcome notes?

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  20. App should do push notifications

    The mobile app should push notify when a task is due

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