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  2. Can you customize your home screen?

    I just wanted to know if in the real version of this you can customize your home screen.

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  3. Tasks - Automatically show the due date field

    When adding a task, it's cumbersome to have to click on "Show more options" and then select a date. By nature, most or all tasks have due dates. Please have the due date automatically show when I add a task.

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  4. Show company name next to name in activities list

    Currently we only see the name of the contact when you click "activities" and see the list. It would be great to also see the company name next to name of the contact.

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  5. create a possibility to print out activities list with contact details seen on it as well

    I usually have many activities on my list during the day. Therefore, it would be very nice if I could choose several of them and print them out so that the comments and contact information of whom my activities are related to would be visible as well.

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  6. load current contact info into task and automatically save task notes

    When you put notes in for a task they should be automatically saved when you click on "complete and create another" and when you click on "complete and create another" it should load the current "related to" contacts.

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  7. 2 votes

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  8. In many countries the week starts on Monday and uses 24 hour instead of AM/PM

    In many countries the week starts on Monday (not on Sunday) and uses 24 hour instead of AM/PM.

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  9. Custom Reports/Searches on Activities

    We need the ability to create custom reports based on activity - like tasks, notes, messages, events - by company account and/or by our team users. We need to be able to select more than one value per filter as we currently have to create a report per primary value. Also to be able to customise the format of the report - select what columns display and the order from both default and custom fields. Then to be able to export these reports.

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  10. Please offer intervals of less than an hour in the drop down for creating a task.

    Offer intervals of 15 minutes at a minimum would be very helpful.

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  11. Let users assign messages to other team members

    I'd like to be able to assign incoming email messages to different team members without creating tasks (as this adds several more steps). An example: we have several general emails such as info@ and sales@. I monitor these and would like to simply assign answering to the appropriate team member. This way we reduce email clutter (the whole team does not have to receive all emails in their inboxes) yet the right person always answers the mail.

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  12. pop up time when adding calendar events

    Make this similar to Google calendar. When I have the week view in Nimble open, and I want to add an event in the calendar, I drag the time slot I want. But I can't really tell what time I adding (especially if I'm adding to Friday or Saturday and the times are always along the left of the week view.

    Can you pop up a small text display that shows exactly what times I'm dragging?

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  13. customize daytime work hours in calendar

    It would be great if we can limit the view in the weekly calendar. IE: I want the day to start at 8am, and finish at 7pm. I don't need to see 12am - 1159pm every day. Probably 90% of the people don't need that. It makes it a lot of scrolling.


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  14. Edit, Save and Close buttons next to each other

    I spend allot of time updating and editing activities. The process seems to be a 6 click process per activity and buttons to edit, save and close to modify, then schedule the followup; and activity are on opposite areas of the activities window.

    Is there a way to make the fields more intelligent that they would save their content upon closing the window? And could all the buttons be closer together so you would not have to scroll from bottom to top of the window to close it?

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  15. I would like to see the option of Status, In Progress and Priority in as an option on task (like Salesforce offers)

    I would like to see the option of Status, In Progress and Priority in as an option on task (like Salesforce offers)

    I would like to have a status or progress update as more task feature in other CMR offer. Salesforce lets you set the Priority and Progress like Not Started, Started... or even Mindmeister provides a % done status.

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  16. Why in the world can't I press enter when entering notes?

    Pressing enter saves the note, which means notes are either short, or massive blocks of text. Ugh.

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  17. last contacted needs to be based off of day not by the time stamp once passed a day

    At the moment the time stamp is good for the first 12 hours but after that it needs to be based off of the end of day ie 11:59pm then changes to 1 day at midnight as some of my contacts I reached out to 3 days ago when I look in the morning it shows 2 days ago yet in the afternoon shows 3 days ago. It should be a simple fix. Also the ability to add a date/ time of when you contacted and the type of contact made ie email, phone call, meeting, etc thank you for…

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  18. 2 votes

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  19. Please present tasks in a checklist for a project and allow all users to see status and allocation

    Please present tasks in a checklist for a project and allow all users to see status and allocation to user. Once checked off they should still stay visible so we can all see they are done.

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  20. Streamline the tasks edit UI

    I spend a lot of time in tasks. I could get the same amount of work done in a lot less time with a couple UI tweaks:
    * One edit screen, not two: you have to click edit from the activities dashboard to view/edit a tasks, then click edit again from the task window to edit (other than adding a note). Each of the editable fields could just as easily be accessed from the first task screen.
    * Reuse info with "Complete and Create Another" Contact, Deals & Tags should all be duplicated in the new task.

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