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  2. Allow to associate multiple People to Company as a quick action.

    I need to be able to associate my contacts with the companies I am trying to target and quickly see them when I look at the company information.

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  3. Contact addresses to link to default navigator in IOS app.

    Please link contact addresses in IOS app to the default navigation app on the phone.

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  4. Move the Contact Info Box with the phone number to the top under the contact name.

    The phone numbers for the contacts are way down the page in your layout. I have to scroll down to find the number each. This info is more important than the other things you have at the top

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  5. 1 vote

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  6. Ream time sync

    Why don't we have real time sync. between Nimble and MS 365 like most CRM ?

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  7. Uncluttered UX

    I have to admit that I find the UX of the contact very cluttered compared to other CRM (like Pipedrive).

    Tons of information don't serve me.
    And I have a hard time with the color code. Why so many colors with no meaning ?

    I would suggest to:
    _ Be able to really chosse which information iare displayed on the contact screen
    _ Use more wisely all the space you have on the screen : why contacts information is stuck in such a small place on my screen, whenever I open it directly as a contact or from the workklow…

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  8. Support Call Blocking & Identification on iOS

    Integrate the iOS app with Call Blocking & Identification so when a contact in the CRM calls (and their number is in the CRM and not in your phone contacts) their Name etc displays not just their number.

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  9. Allow bulk editing of Lead fields (Type, Status, etc)

    I know that it can be worked around by exporting relevant contacts, then reimporting them with the desired value. But that is a really cumbersome workaround for what seems like pretty straightforward functionality.

    I would LOVE to be able to select a batch of contacts and bulk apply a new lead status to them.

    Bonus points for being able to set that up to happen automatically when a lead is moved between workflow stages, so that it could be semi-automated, but bulk edit would be a huge improvement to usability and solve a very large pain point in working with…

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  10. URL fields should not assume they're relative urls.

    When a URL field is included in a table, it is displayed as a link, which is certainly handy - but unless the URL was entered with the protocol, http(s):// - it's rendered as a RELATIVE url, which I imagine will never be the intent.

    I don't feel like I should have to populate https:// into the data when populating a url value, if I entered a domain name, for example, I feel like I can reasonably expect it to link to rather than as it does presently.

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  11. Allow selection of multiple data fields

    When I set up a Select Box data field, our team can only select one option from the list for each contact. However if more than one option applies, we need to be able to select them all. For example, if we need to know what geographical area a contact operates in - it could be 3 different cities, not just one. Or if we're listing product types the contact is interested in, again it could be more than one.

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  12. Add support for what3words links to be added to contact address

    What3words is a great tool that can be used instead of a postcode or zipcode, to pinpoint an address very accurately. I have started adding this to my contacts via the URL field but it would be great to have a data field specifically for this.

    Ref -

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  13. be able to copy an e-mail from a contact

    We send our e-mails from Outlook and are copying the e-mails from Nimble many times every day. In the old days when I clicked on the e-mail part before @ it opened in my preferred e-mail program (Outlook) and when I clicked on the latter part it opened the URL and the homepage of the company.

    Could we have that back?

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  14. Contact - Extension Field

    I suggest to add an extension field to the phone number when we create a new contact profile.

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  15. 1 vote

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  16. adding more options for social accounts

    In my business my customers use Etsy and Pinterest a lot. I would love to see this added to the Social accounts. Maybe an "open option"? This would give the option to add any (Spotify, YouTube and many more)

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  17. Modify layout of contact screen

    It would be really helpful if you were able to modify the layout of the screen when you open up a contact. I'd like to be able to move the contact fields and tags closer to the top where the name is

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  18. Description options for Website and Instagram

    Option to either customise descriptions, or for Nimble to add the options of Website and Instagram to Description source.

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  19. discord

    I would love the ability to integrate my Discord connections. In my line of work it's increasingly common for clients to require Discord communication, where they also change their usernames, create servers etc. It becomes a nightmare to track :(

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  20. on the org. url - have it automatically populate a field near the url on the Data Field to eliminate redundant data entry on the Org.

    on the org. url - have it automatically populate a field near the url on the Data Field to eliminate redundant data entry on the Company. Also be consistent in the format of this field .... either www.url or http://www.url so the formatting is consistent throughout the contact record

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