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413 results found

  1. Email accounts such as,, should be identified as personal email.

    Email accounts such as,, should be identified as personal email. Many emails default to Work, especially when imported from LinkedIn. Create a sort of whitelist of domains that are automatically classified as personal. This also helps identify gaps so that I can Prospect for work emails.I had done an export and re-classified emails, instead it just added the '' address as a personal while keeping the same address as work.

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  2. Add the ability to Reset Reminder while bulk editing in search mode

    When looking at one person's page I can click the Stay in Touch icon and get a drop down of
    *No Reminder

    When bulk editing via searches I get a list that EXCLUDES the Reset Reminder:
    *No Reminder

    ADD the Reset Reminder to the bulk edit dropdown for Stay in Touch

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  3. Add a check box to lock addresses, phone numbers

    I use addresses a lot. Nimble adds all kinds of incomplete addresses to the list of addresses for a person or company. These sometimes show up above a correct address I have verified, making them 'address 1' in an export.

    Add a check box next to an address to lock an address as a main (top) address for the address type that does not get updated by Nimble. Nimble can still add all the bogus addresses, but they won't be picked as 'address 1'. There could be a main Work, Home and Other address checked

    The same applies for phone…

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  4. copy contact information to share

    I often want to share contact information in an email with other people to make a referral or introduction. Goldmine had the ability to click a single button to copy the Name, Company, phone numbers and email address into the text buffer to paste into an email or document.

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  5. Allow users to default to "Custom" table settings view instead of Sales

    I'd love to be able to setup the "Custom" view under Table Settings and default it. My CEO has some pretty specific things he wants shown, and it's a pain for him to have to click Table Settings > Custom > Update every time he loads the list of contacts.

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  6. Add a link beside a address to open in google map

    Add the ability to click on a link beside a contact address to open in google maps.

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  7. Referrals - Create a referrals entity to track both those given and those received

    I'd like to be able to use Nimble to track:
    1) Two contacts that I have referred to each other and to record any business they do that they tell me about.
    2) Referrals made to me so that I track the business gained through that referral. (ie with a link to the deals that then flow)

    That means that when I view a contact I know immediately if I have referred them to someone else, or if I have had business as a result of their referral.

    That will help with nurturing my supporters and understanding the relationships better.

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  8. Add support for more URLs.... We have clients with AND .global clients the system is not allowing us to add their URLS !

    We are constantly unable to add customer domains ! We keep getting a not Valid URL warning !

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  9. Filter by filter and tag, sort by lead

    I think that the experience with nimble will greatly increase if the following options would be improved:
    - filter by tag and filter
    - ability to sort by lead and lead status
    - fix the choice for sorting as a default

    Thanks guys!

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  10. Fix Notes box in contact - enable it to expand when editing

    Fix Notes Box in Contact. when I click to edit a note, it gives me this tiny little box that I can't re-size! Not good, I'm guessing this should be a pretty easy fix: enable the edit note box to be re-sized.

    On a related "note," when I'm first composing a note it's too easy to hit "enter" which saves the note, and then requires me to go edit it (and then I get the tiny little box). Can you eliminate "pressing enter to save" to prevent accidental saves, and instead put a "save" button?

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  11. Update "last contacted" of company when contacting one of their employees

    When contacting a user who works in a company, the "last contacted" section updates only for him and not for the company. I think it should update automatically, or at least give the option to do so.

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  12. Ability to merge & all contact info for the company to the person and vice verse as new info received

    As contact info develops such as new hires or new leads, it would be great when adding a new person to not have to manually input the company's info and still have ability to access & edit personal info of new person joining company. Equally if you have a contact name and they join a new company, the transmission of personal info is still easily transferred. Also this should include Deals, as the person creating the deal for the company, it shouldn't count as a double deal.

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  13. Remove tags from a subset of tagged contacts

    Allow me to remove tags from contacts that exist as a subset of a larger tagged group.

    For example, search for contacts tagged with "Twitter" and the tag "Los Angeles".

    Allow me to remove the "Twitter" tag from all contacts that also have the "Los Angeles" tag.

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  14. to be able to assign "lead type" category labels to groups of similar contacts all at once

    I'd like to be able to quickly gather up a group of contacts that are all the same lead type (current sellers or past clients for example) and then assign the appropriate lead type label all at once to all of those contacts - think of Contactually's "bucket game"

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  15. Please put rating a contact on the front page like lead status, lead source, and lead type

    Please put rating a contact on the front page like lead status, lead source, and lead type. I want to be able to rank a lead easier than having to go into edit the rating.

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  16. Add the "lead rating" or other contact rating to the "Status" layer on the contact main page

    I would like to see the contact rating / Lead rating directly on the main page of the contact.

    In my use case I am ranking contacts & companies on a scale and I would like to be able to see this information "at a glance" without needing to dig into the record and scroll down.

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  17. Allow us to set a default view setup

    If I go and do something else, then come back to the Contacts tab, it frequently resets to "Recently Viewed", sorted by "Last Time Contacted by Team" sorted in Descending order, and I have to waste time setting it to what I was on (Usually Companies/People, Name, Ascending).
    Please either leave it how it was, or let me set what it resets to.

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  18. Expand the Address types

    Currently we have only "Work, "Home", and "Other". It would be really useful if we hade some or all of the following:

    • Postal
    • Main (or Head Office, for companies with more than one location)
    • Branch
    • Shipping
    • Billing
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  19. Quiero importar mis contacto de Airbnb

    Quiero importar mis contacto de Airbnb

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  20. Better and preferably Superior search Functionality

    Search functionality stinks. The search in the top right window would be better as a catch all. If I type in a name that has a middle initial it will not show up: IE type in John Smith and if the individual has a middle initial IE John K. Smith, he will not propagate; this is a must fix/must get it right in my opinion. Not locating contacts is a non-starter. You should also not have to go to an advanced search function in this situation. This seems to be market standard on every other contact list I have ever…

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