Add Custom fields to Deals.
As per contacts I'd like the option of having extra user defined teams in the deal area as well.

Ted commented
Just looked at comment history....Is it true the option to add custom fields was first requested in 2011?? What's up guys?
Gabriele commented
This is something crucial, for example if you want to track how many deals started from a specific marketing campaign
John Kilbank commented
This is a very important feature. It's now the 2nd half of 2018 - any idea on this feature being added?
Anonymous commented
Yes please! This would be extremely helpful.
Ygor Lira commented
So that you can manage your customers well if you do not improve basic features like this, manage the offers that you have closed with the client?
David Black commented
So it's 2016 did you add custom fields to deals and/or what "potential changes" did you make?
Adam Harris commented
+1 for custom fields to deals tab
Ygor Lira commented
The problem is that the nimble is only for those with few deals. If you have many and various kinds, it becomes a real caos.É a shame that deals are bad, very nimble people have left because of that and I will be more.
Anton Belousov commented
We have updated our addon that adds custom fields to Deals - now you can add multiple fields to the Deals.
Now only "single choice" fields are supported - where you choose one value from the predefined list - great for fields like "Industry", "Lead source", etc.
Will introduce "text" type soon.
Anton Belousov commented
We are Taist - a third-party platform that allows to extend cloud applications with "addons", and we have created the first version of a custom fields for Nimble. Now it implements "Industry" field for Deals.
Please have a look and try it here: It just works out of the box - when you activate it from our website, a new field appears in Nimble deals. We use browser extension for that.
We are now gathering ideas on how to further extend the custom fields functionality for Nimble, so please post your specific needs and use-cases here or in comments to the addon.
Audrey Crane commented
Yes, absolutely need to be able to score opportunities and sort by score!
Jeff Kee commented
This is an extremely important element, can't believe you guys don't have this. Pipelinedeals does, despite their relatively ugly UI.
For example I need to tag & filter through deals by
Geographic Region (we sell nationwide)
Package Chosen (Template, semi-custom or custom)
Branding Package (yes or no)It's shocking that you don't have custom fields on deals while you have it on customers actually.
Anonymous commented
Cost and Margin of job. Helps management get an overview of how the sales team is quoting different types of jobs.
Anonymous commented
Are you able to give us an update on when this will be added?
The latest response is dated Jan 2014 & says you expect to make potential changes end of 2014.
Its a MUST to at least track where deals come from to enable us to know what lead generation strategies are working. -
Rob Thompson commented
This is a "deal breaker" for me. I love everything about this but I need the ability for my company to add some detail and sort by this information.
Anonymous commented
A prospect for a team version of 6 users is asking about Custom Fields on Deals. This is the aspect that is stopping them choosing Nimble. What is the updated situation?
Ben Thomas commented
+1 for custom fields in Deals and then to be able to view them in the Reporting Section. I need to report on different line items so this really is a key feature as far as I am concerned. It would also be useful to add tags to deals and view summary reports by tag as well.
Please can you confirm that these features are coming... if they are I'll stick with it as I really like your product.
Jussi Mononen commented
Many many more votes for custom field or at least product & quantity into deals. And please make them reportable.
Dan commented
Reporting feature - Great.
Log Touch feature - Great.Now all we need is the Custom Fields! Product and Quantity please.
Brad Fossen commented
Yeah, it would be nice to add certain other custom qualifiers.